How often people say, "It doesn't matter what a person believes, so long as he is sincere."
Not true! We may be sincerely mistaken, sincerely deceived. Sincerity, without being intelligently directed and guided, is useless. And when God has acted and spoken, it surely does matter how we react to His approach to us. If He asks us to believe something, can we afford to believe something else, even sincerely?
He tells us we have all sinned, and our consciences agree with Him. He tells us that He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Can we afford not to believe this? He tells us that we may be cleared of our sins and their damning consequence through accepting Christ as our Savior, and that we will be eternally lost if we refuse to do so. Can we risk doubting this, however sincerely?
No, the issues are too great. We must believe what God asks us to believe, and only that. To prefer some other belief is to slight the God who has acted for us and who speaks to us in such grace. His word says, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" Heb. 2:3.
Certainty is better than sincerity. As soon as you yield in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, you can have the divine certainty that your sins have been forgiven you for His Name's sake. This is the unvarying promise to every believer in Jesus. May you prove it yours by faith in the only Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.