Sin's Load Gone

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
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Sam Black was carrying a large bag of potatoes on his shoulders. On the way a friend stopped him and said, “Sam, I hear you have become a Christian. How do you know that Jesus has saved you?”
Sam took a few steps and then he let the bag of potatoes slip from his back. “How do I know I have dropped this bag of potatoes?” he asked. “I haven’t looked around.”
“No, but you don’t feel their heavy weight on your back now,” replied his friend.
“That’s one reason I know I am saved,” explained Sam. “I don’t have the heavy burden of my sins on me any more. The Lord Jesus has taken them all away and has given me peace and joy instead!”
“No more conscience of sins.... their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” Heb. 10:2, 17.