What fun it is to be out of doers when it is snowing! We love to watch the feathery flakes come sailing down, and try to catch one on the darh sleeve of a coat, so that we can see its great beauty more clearly. And on a frosty morning, too, how beautiful everhing appears! The trees, hedges and grass all sparkle brightly, and even spiders’ webs are made lovely by the particles of frost strung on each delicate thread.
Have you ever tried to make snow flakes? They are formed from water, as we know, yet it needs greater power than we have to make them. It is not difficult to form ice by making the water very cold, or to turn, it into steam by heating it; both of these are very great changes, yet neither is so beautiful to look at as snow or frost.
Boys and girls can be changed very much, too. One day a boy will be seen with a dirty face, tangled hair, and looking very cross; but the next day he may bright and smiling and tidy and look as different as possible. A boy or girb can be changed from a dirty to a clean one; or from a disagreeable to a pleasant one, just as it is possible to turn water into ice.
But there is one change that only God can make, just as we feel that the snow is His handiwork. This change is not only of the outward appearance, but of the heart. All have sinned, and who can make a sinful heart clean? None but God Himself. It is useless to try to do it yourself, for it is because we were helpless that “Christ died for the ungodly.”
Will you not pray as David did, “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow?” Psalm 51:7.
“The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin,” 1 John 1:7.
ML 04/19/1942