Some One Knocking

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One day, an old Scotch lady had been having an argument with her neighbors, and locked the door as she said,
“I’ll no’ have anything more to do with them, and they needno’ bother coming to see me again, for I’ll no’ let them in.”
A few hours later, a knock was heard at her door—
“Knock awa’” she whispered as she sat by the fire. Then as the knocking continued, she called out, “Knock awa’ till doomsday and I’ll no’ let ye in.”
The knocking ceased, and she heard footsteps going away.
“Aha” she said, “they’ll no’ bother me again for a while.”
But she didn’t smile the next day when she heard that it was Queen Victoria who had been at her door, and she never called at that cottage again.
There is Someone standing, and knocking at the door of your heart, and if you turn Him away, you will be sorry some day, as was the old Scotch lady.
He says, “Come unto Me” to every boy and girl, and He loves you all, and wants you to know, and love Him. He will make your heart whiter than snow, if you let Him in. Accept Him as your Saviour and walk with Him, and you will be happy for all time and for all eternity.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20.
“There’s a stranger at the door;
Let Him In!
He has been there oft before;
Let Him In!
Let Him in ere He is gone;
Let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son;
Let Him in.”
ML 04/23/1944