Some Small Teachers

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Proverbs 6
You have watched the little ants go about the garden, and into their holes or “hills”, but you may not have thought they could teach us something. But there are persons called “sluggards”, who sleep, or are idle, while others work, whom the wise king would send to the ants for a lesson, he said,
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” Pro. 6:6-8.
Ants live in all lands, and there are many kinds; some of them make very high piles of earth for their homes which are in layers or rooms; none of them live by themselves but in large companies, yet do not have any to direct them. You can learn interesting things about these creatures if you watch them, or read accounts by men who have noticed their habits. They all seem to know the warm sunshine is the time to gather food, and keep very busy, often carrying particles much larger than themselves, some they leave in their holes s then when it is cold they stay snug and still in the earth, or often in old wood, or under rocks, or fallen trees. So the ants are very wise.
We do not get or keep our food as easily as the ant: even one slice of bread requires the work of many persons; to prepare ground, sow seed, harvest the grain, grind it, and make it into bread; so in all our life there are tasks for all, and it is well to help each other, as the little ants. It may seem pleasant just to sleep or be idle while others do our work, but the next time you feel like leaving your work for brother or sister or mother, think of a little ant, “consider her ways and he wise.”
“Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord. Col. 3:23.
There is another lesson for all of us to learn from the ants, for God has given His Word, the bible, for food for our souls. We are not wise if we are “sluggards” about God’s Words, and do not “gather” them for ourselves, and help others know them. While boys and girls are young, is the “summer” time of their lives, the best time to “gather” God’s “food”. If you gather and learn from His Words every day, you will have them to use now, and they will also he stored in your mind to help you all your life.
The wise king spoke again for his son to remember his parent’s words to him:
“My son, keep thy father’s commanent and forsake not the law of thy mother Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.” Verse 20.
This son was to keep the words so close, they would be like a chain is close on the neck, not lost, or forgotten.
“When thou gocst it shall lead thee, when thou sleepest it shall keep thee, and when thou wakest, it shall talk with thee.” Verse 22.
ML 02/02/1941