Something for the Poor.

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THIS little girl has a basket full of good things; perhaps she is taking something nice to eat to a poor family, as we see apples lying on the top.
In the cold winter there are many who suffer from hunger and cold, because they do not have the necessities of life, and how needful it is for those who have good things to eat and many comforts for themselves, to think of the poor and seek to supply their needs.
That is what the Lord Jesus did for us. He left the glory and came down into this world, in order to meet our needs.
Have you ever thought of what our great need is? I have no doubt some are quite ready to answer, “It is the salvation of our souls!”
Yes, dear children, that is right; and the only way that we could get our souls saved, was, by the Lord Jesus coming down from the glory and becoming a man, so as to go to the cross and die in our place, and there bear the punishment that we deserved for our sins. There was no other one able to do that but Him, and He now offers salvation to all.
What would you think of the poor, needy people refusing the basket of provisions which this dear child is taking to them?
You would, no doubt, think they were very foolish, and it would, indeed, be an insult to her for her kindness; but have you ever thought how much worse it would be to refuse the gift of eternal life which God offers through Christ Jesus? Those who refuse this gift must bear their own punishment, away from. God forever and ever. If you have not yet accepted this precious gift which God is now offering freely to you. dear reader, I do trust you will accept it now and thank Him for it, and then what you may give to the poor will be loaned to the Lord.
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He pay him again.” Prov. 19:17.
ML 01/10/1904