Something More Than Gold

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A certain man of whom we read,
Who lived in days of old,
Though he was rich, he felt his need
Of something more than gold.
He climbed a tree above the crowd
So that he might behold
The blessed One, with power to give
Something more than gold.
The Saviour passed along that way,
And saw him in the tree,
And calling to him, Jesus said,
“I must abide with Thee.”
So he obeyed, and soon he found
The half had not been told,
The blessings Jesus brought to him
Were better far than gold.
“O, yes, my friend, there’s something more,
There’s something more than gold:
To know your sins are all forgiven,
Is something more than gold.
“Jesus Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7.
ML 11/18/1945