One false theory invariably leads to another, and every false doctrine in some way or other assails the Person and work of Christ.
So we are not surprised when Mrs. White says: " Upon the fundamental error of natural immortality rests the doctrine of consciousness in death, a doctrine, like eternal torment, opposed to the teaching of the Scriptures, to the dictates of reason, and to our feelings of humanity."
In appealing to the teaching of Scripture, Mrs. White exhibits either ignorance or willfulness, for the thought of soul-sleep is never once found in Scripture. Sleep as relating to death, is connected with Christians, and always has reference to the body. So we read: "Many bodies of the saints which slept arose " (Matt. 27:52). " Devout men carried Stephen to his burial " (Acts 8:2), i.e., his body. The Lord Himself comforted the dying thief by saying, "To-day shalt thou be with Me in paradise." His body was left on the cross and then buried, whilst that very day his conscious soul was with the Lord. The Apostle Paul wrote of "having desire to depart and be with Christ; which is far better " (Phil. 1:23). There is no hint as to soul-sleep, but instead the joyous anticipation of his spirit being with the Lord the moment he was absent from the body.