The first essential in soul-winning is love. The "publicans and sinners" were irresistibly drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ who was the great Evangelist; they were drawn to Him by the power of that divine love that filled His heart for them. The skill displayed in His dealing with individual souls, and the gracious words which fell from His lips upon the ears of listening multitudes, were alike the outcome and the revelation of the love that He had for sinful man.
"Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." Mark 1:17. The secret of soul-winning is found in this command of our Lord. How otherwise could this skill be obtained? Where else could this wisdom be found? Its price is "above rubies"; "neither shall it be valued with pure gold"! As we follow Him we shall catch the yearnings, the throbbings of His great heart of love, and shall as a result become a feeble reflex of Himself.
It has been rightly said that every evangelist is some little reflection of Christ, but alas that we should reflect Him so little! Tears are not often found upon our cheeks, nor sighs in our spirits. If we felt more in secret, as we contemplated the state of the unconverted, there would surely be more tender pathos in our pleadings, and souls would feel, at least, that we loved them. "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
What a journey the Lord took, prompted only by love, when He went to seek that abandoned woman at the well (John 4). Do we ask that we may so love the drunkard and the harlot, the beggar and the cheat? With what consummate skill love wrought that day! He did not straightway reach her conscience. He must win her confidence first; this He did by asking favor at her hands, and then, using that as a text, He unfolded to her wonderful things (vv. 7, 10). Bearing with her slowness of apprehension, but ever keeping the end in view, He pressed on until her desires were awakened; then her conscience was probed, but she was not repelled. The revelation was slowly made; but, in the end, she was overwhelmed by the transcendent greatness of it, and could speak of naught besides. Blessed Master, we do well to come after Thee to learn such lessons in "soul-winning"!
He "spake... as they were able to hear it." His public preaching, ever simple and replete with illustrations, was always adapted to the company before Him; stern rebuke at times for the Pharisees, but not always, for tender reasonings are found also -witness that wonderful parable, in three parts, of Luke 15. May we ever be under the Holy Spirit's control to have like discernment.
We may have found ourselves on an occasion led to speak a word which has proved to be the very word needed, whether to an individual or publicly, and by it, souls have been cleared straightway. Then has come the danger; we have been prone to say of that word what David said of the sword of Goliath, "There is none like it," and have been surprised at not seeing results from the use of it again. But as the love of God to men is operative in our hearts, we shall be quick to detect where the soul is in its exercise, and to discern that truth that is needed for its help.
The great question today is, How are we to win souls from the awful indifference which has settled upon them? It is comparatively easy to deal with the few anxious inquirers that are found; but how shall we win souls who will not come to hear the gospel preached, and even resent our private solicitations? Love will keep our hearts soft and tender toward them; it will give us to be persistent, and, as opportunities occur, will enable us to deal wisely, with winsome words, until their souls are won. "The Lord give thee understanding in all things." Letters, pleading with souls, have often been used when other means have failed; and who shall count the number of souls won through such tracts as "Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment," and others?
We must never forget that our power with men is in proportion to our power with God. "We will give ourselves up to prayer and the ministry of the word" (Acts 6:4; J.N.D. Trans.).
The Lord graciously give us this wisdom in abundant measure, for "the wise winneth souls" (Pro. 11:30; J.N.D. Trans.).