Souls or Beetles

Two men met on a steamboat bound for China, and presently began comparing notes as to their plans and purposes. One was a missionary and the other a naturalist. “What is really your purpose in going to China?” asked the latter. “Well, I am going to win souls for the service of the Lord Jesus Christ,” replied the missionary. The other laughed. “What a waste of time and energy! Fancy traveling across the seas in search of souls!” The missionary said, “And what are you going to China for?” “Well,” said the other,” you see, I belong to a Natural History Society, and I am going out in search of a beetle that we are told can only be found in the Celestial Empire.” “Oh, well,” replied the missionary, “then I suppose the only difference between us is that you are going to China for beetles, and I am going for immortal souls!”
“What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”