Sowing in Ireland

Armagh Camp.
Doctor Heyman Wreford. Dear Sir, ―Very many thanks for your parcel. It was a wonderful illustration of God’s way of supplying all our needs. I had just given my last Testament away, and was wondering how I should find time to see the Army Scripture Reader And get a fresh supply, when your parcel came, and it was not long before I was just spreading it abroad. I was thinking, only the other day, how good God is in helping us to spread the news that ours is a risen Saviour. It is a blessing. Some of the Testaments are miles away from this camp now, but what a blessing—the Word of God must prevail. I will write again as soon as my stores run short. Thanking you and praying God’s blessing on your work. — Ever yours in Christ, Cpl. S. H.
Two Parcels or Ireland.
Dear Dr. Wreford,— I enclose 10/- for two parcels of God’s precious Word to be sent to Ireland, and may you be abundantly blessed as you send forth the truth far and wide. F. C.
For Ireland.
Dr. Wreford. Dear Sir, — Will you please accept the enclosed 10/for Testaments or tracts for Ireland? I thank God for the privilege of sending (of Thine own have we given Thee). I thank you for your encouraging letter received, so refreshing in these sad times. May He abundantly bless your good work for His Name’s sake. T. P.
Testaments for Ireland.
A lady writes: — “A parcel of Testaments will reach you from me. ... I would much like them to go to soldiers in Ireland My prayers will go with them.”
A Gift for Ireland.
A kind friend sends me £5 to be used for sending Testaments to Ireland.
R. C.
Note. ―Space prevents my printing more letters for Ireland now. I must keep others for another issue.
For the Children
We have never ceased our interest in the children. Every week we are: sending Testaments to the young.
No Bible in the Home
A School Worker writes: ―To Doctor Wreford. Dear Sir, ―Thank you very much for the-twelve Testaments duly received, and I am sure the little girls will appreciate them very much. They have promised to read a verse to their mothers every day, and I pray that God will bless them wherever they are taken, and I have faith to believe that He will. Now, please, I want you to send me 18 or 20 more― those are for the boys. I shall be so pleased to receive them for next Sunday, if possible. It is surprising the number of children one speaks to who haven’t a single Bible in their homes. E. K.
H.H. writes: ―
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I spend a great part of my spare time every evening amongst the children, and it is very pleasing to see how eagerly they ask for your Testaments, and God is blessing this work... I shall be grateful to you to send me as many as you can spare. Have enclosed Treasury Note towards your noble work for the Master.
For the Children’s Fund.
Dear Dr. Wreford, ―Herewith I enclose check for £2 for the Children’s Fund of New Testaments. This amount was voted from the meeting last night, and I am only glad once more to have the privilege of helping in this work. I trust you are well and able to go on with it.
―Yours affectionately in Christ, E. T.
An Anxious Soul.
Dear Sir, ―Pray for me, and ask God to open my eyes to accept Him. If you can help me to come to Jesus God will bless you, and we shall meet one day at the great roll call. — Yours, seeking Christ, (Pte.) P. H.