While traveling through the mountains in Peru, Manuel, who was a colporteur, came to a house in the valley where a man named Bautista lived. Bautista had never before met a Christian, and had never heard the way of salvation, but Manuel told him that the God who lives in heaven had shown His love to sinful man by sending His Son down here to die on the cross to wash away their sins.
As he could not stay longer, he gave Bautista a New Testament and he at once began to read it. He invited his workman friends and neighbors together and read aloud to them. How he longed and prayed that the colporteur would come back and explain the scriptures to them! But he neither knew where Manuel came from or where he went to.
He read the New Testament through, and when he came to Rev. 22:17, where the Lord says, “Let him that is athirst come,” he wept, for he so longed to understand it.
Some tune later Manuel went again to Bautista’s village, and how it rejoiced his heart to find quite a number of the people eager to have the “way of God more perfectly” explained to them. Many of them, including Bautista, accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour before Manuel left.
The road leading by Bautista’s house leads to other villages, and now he gives a little booklet containing verses from God’s Word to every one who goes by, and tells them of the Saviour he has found.
God’s Word is spoken of as “Good Seed” dear children. Our hearts are the ground into which the seed falls. Did not Manuel have a good crop from his seed-sowing?
Let us too, who know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, seek to spread this wonderful seed so that others may hear the Word and be saved.
ML 12/16/1951