A Chinese girl, just fourteen years old, helped in the dispensary of a clinic in inland China. She, like Dr. Fish and the others who worked there, loved the Lord Jesus and wanted others to love Him, too.
She sometimes gave gospels to the patients she met, and one was given to a man who had come twenty-five miles to see the doctor. Some time later Dr. Fish was called to go and see him, as he was now too ill to travel himself. When Dr. Fish reached the town, he heard the sad news that the Chinaman had died, even while they were on the way to ask him to come.
But there was good news, too, for he had left a message. “Please tell that young school girl who works for Dr. Fish that I read the book she gave me, and, believing the One of whom it tells, I am trusting Him for salvation, and will meet her in heaven.”
How happy they were at the dispensary to hear that, especially little Miss Fang, who thanked the Lord that another patient had found the Saviour. From that time she was very careful to see that every patient received a gospel before leaving. Let us, too, try to scatter the good seed of God’s Word.
“In the morning, sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thy hand.” Ecclesiastes 11:6.
The day is coming when the Lord shall gather in His harvest. All those who are the fruit of His grace, that is, all those who have trusted the Saviour, will be gathered home to heaven. Will it not be wonderful to have some one say to you in that day, “I read and believed the message you gave me, and through it I was saved"?