Have you ever thought how hard it would be if you could not talk for one whole day? What if you lost your voice for 12 years?
Marie’s mother had made a delicious pudding for dinner and had followed a family custom of putting coins in the pudding. What fun it was for the children as they discovered some money in a mouthful! But, after the pudding was finished no one noticed that one coin was missing.
Marie, then a healthy 13-year-old, got severe bronchitis and laryngitis soon after she ate that good pudding. It took about six weeks for her problem to go away — but so did her voice. The doctors were puzzled and finally decided that the loss of her voice was from a virus and that her voice probably would return as suddenly as it had disappeared. Marie finally was well enough to return to school, but she just could not get used to not being able to talk. It was so hard for her at school that she finally just quit.
Just a few weeks ago Marie, who is now 25 years old, was at work when her throat began to get sore. Then she started to choke and coughed for a long time. Suddenly up came a little black lump! When Marie took the strange black lump to the doctor, he found it was a coin. “The doctor sent me to the speech therapist and soon I started to talk again,” Marie said. The thin coin had gotten stuck between her vocal cords which stopped the vibrations needed to make speech possible. For some reason the coin had not shown up on the X-rays.
Marie’s first phone call was to her shocked parents who almost could not believe it was Marie. Her mother was just thrilled that her daughter could speak again — and, of course, so was Marie.
Did you know that the Bible tells of some people who were speechless? In Matthew 22:12 a man tried to go to the wedding of the king’s son without wearing the right clothes. When the king asked him why he came without his wedding clothes on he was “speechless.” Boys and girls, if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour there will be a day when you will stand before the King, the Lord Jesus Christ, and you, too, will be speechless. Get ready for that all-important day right now by accepting the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour. Then instead of standing speechless before Him, you will join in singing His praises.
Around the throne of God in heaven
Will many children sing,
Children, whose sins are all forgiven,
Will heavenly anthems bring,
Singing, “Glory, glory,
Glory be to God on high!”
In Luke 1:11-22 we read of another man who became “speechless.” An angel from God brought a very important message to Zacharias, and he did not believe what the angel told him. Even though Zacharias loved God (Luke 1:6) he just could not believe the miracle God promised in giving him and his wife a baby boy when they were very old. So, God made Zacharias speechless until their baby boy was born. Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and yet really don’t believe some of the things we are told in the Bible? That would be very sad as God has given the whole Bible for each Christian to learn from and live by. In 2 Timothy 3:16 we are told that all Scripture is given to us by God and it is good for us. Then in 2 Timothy 1:13 we are told to “hold fast” (believe, hold on to) the sound words in the Bible. A line from a hymn says, “Every promise in the Book is mine.” How very important that we each believe all of God’s Word, the Bible.