Spiritual Quotes

1.  God speaks through His Word—take time to listen.
2.  His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
3.  Prosperity may be a greater test of character than poverty.
4.  Revenge imprisons us; forgiveness sets us free.
5.  If you seek wise counsel, you multiply your chances for sound decisions.
6.  If you get definite with God, He’ll get definite with you.
7.  The choice you make today will determine your tomorrow.
8.  Sunset in one land is sunrise in another.
9.  You can reach more with your life than your lips.
10.  Drop what weighs you down by giving it to God.
11.  Through prayer, the public business of the nation can become the private business of the Christian.
12.  Remembering Christ’s death for us should cause us to live for Him.
13.  To survive the storms of life, be anchored to the Rock of Ages.
14.  Trials can be God’s way of triumph.
15.  Through prayer, we have instant access to our Father.
16.  The power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead is the same power at work for you.
17.  Train up a child in the way he should go—but be sure you go that way yourself.
18.  Study the Bible to be wise; believe it to be safe; practice it to be holy.
19.  Guilt is a burden God never intended His children to bear.
20.  Every good gift comes from the Father.
21.  Belonging to God brings boundless blessings.
22.  People with a heart for God have a heart for people.
23.  The joy of living comes from a heart of thanksgiving.
24.  In the desert of grief, God provides an oasis of grace.
25.  Selfish gratification will lead to spiritual stagnation.
26.  Running with patience is perseverance in the “long run.”
27.  As the world grows darker, the promised return of the Son grows brighter.
28.  When adversity is ready to strike us, then God is most ready to strengthen us.
29.  Jesus can turn your sorrows into rejoicing.
30.  Rather than praying for a change in circumstances, pray for a change of heart.
31.  In God’s eyes, true greatness is serving others.
32.  Drawing close to Christ produces a growing Christ likeness.
33.  In alarming situations, listen to God’s wake-up call.
34.  Instead of complaining about thorns on the roses, be thankful for the roses among the thorns.
35.  When you feel like complaining, think of all that Jesus endured.
36.  To keep your life in balance, lean on the Lord.
37.  When Christians die, they have just begun to live.
38.  Jesus came to save the lost, the last, and the least.
39.  No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.
40.  No day is complete without worship.
41.  Tough times can teach us to trust.
42.  A Christian’s life is a window through which others can see Jesus.
43.  The Bible is old, but its truths are always new.
44.  Hold tightly to what is eternal and loosely to what is temporal.
45.  A grudge is one thing that does not get better when it is nursed.
46.  You can’t lose when you help others win.
47.  When life knocks you to your knees, you’re in a good position to pray.
48.  When living under clouds of adversity, remember that the sun is still shining.
49.  No man is poor who has had a godly mother.
50.  Conscience is a safe guide when guided by God’s Word.
51.  A person who thinks too much of himself thinks too little of God.
52.  Faith is the key to answered prayer.
53.  You’ll never get a busy signal on the prayer line to heaven.
54.  Today’s burdens can strengthen you for tomorrow.
55.  A true friend helps you keep going when you feel like giving up.
56.  Now is the time to choose the Lord—later may never come.
57.  Try to live at peace with others even though they want to fight with you.
58.  In every desert of trial, the Holy Spirit is our oasis of comfort.
59.  The memory of Jesus’ death calls us to a life of love.
60.  Life is not always fair, but God is always faithful.
61.  It’s one thing to know there is a God; it’s quite another to know the God Who is.
62.  Because Christ is alive, we need not fear death.
63.  Happiness is ours when we delight in the Lord.
64.  God’s children should reflect their Father’s likeness.
65.  Time spent “waiting on God” is never wasted.
66.  There is nothing so kingly as kindness; there is nothing so royal as truth.
67.  To see God’s hand in everything makes life a great adventure.
68.  No request is too great or too small to bring to God.
69.  To enjoy the future, accept God’s forgiveness for the past.
70.  Jesus’ earthly life is framed by two, a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb.
71.  Treasures in heaven are laid up as treasures on earth are laid down.
72.  When we recognize Jesus’ lordship, we will give Him our worship.
73.  God’s wrath and God’s mercy are both seen in the cross of Calvary.
74.  Work well done for Christ will receive a “well done” from Christ.
75.  You do the casting, God will do the caring.
76.  Grief is in it self a medicine.
77.  The name of Jesus is precious to those who know Him and profane to those who spurn Him.
78.  The character of our children tomorrow depends on what we put into their hearts today.
79.  Wise men still seek Jesus.
80.  Jesus died that we might live.
81.  Give your all to Christ; He gave His all for you.
82.  Our unknown future is secure in the hands of our all-knowing God.
83.  The message of the cradle proclaims the mission of the cross.
84.  Pride and lust are hidden stones over which many people stumble.
85.  We now see Jesus in the Bible, but then, face to face.
86.  Gratitude is the memory of a glad heart.
87.  Those who fear God need not fear the world.
88.  Ground filled with the roots of bitterness needs to be plowed by the grace of God.
89.  A well-worn Bible is a sign of a well-fed soul.
90.  We don’t know what this world is coming to, but we know the One who is coming to this world.
91.  Genuine faith stays strong when deliverance seems distant.
92.  Sowing the seed of God’s Word is never out of season.
93.  Because God is with us, we need not fear what lies ahead.
94.  To belong to Christ is to be a saint; to live like a saint is to be like Christ.
95.  Jesus invites us to come to Him for life.
96.  It’s not a sin to get angry when you get angry at sin.
97.  Many people readily give God credit, but few cheerfully give Him cash.
98.  Demanding a miracle to believe in Jesus ignores the evidence of His resurrection.
99.  A faith that costs nothing and demands nothing is worth nothing.
100.  Only after talking to God about people are we ready to talk to people about God.
101.  A person may go wrong in many different directions but right in only one.
102.  Heaven for the Christian is best spelled H-O-M-E.
103.  The heart of worship is worship from the heart.
104.  Our intercession may be the key to God’s intervention.
105.  A kind word is the oil that takes the friction out of life.
106.  God’s love knows no limits.
107.  Godly zeal is love on fire.
108.  You can’t glorify yourself and Christ at the same time.
109.  There are no losers with Jesus and no winners with the devil.
110.  Salvation is given, not earned.
111.  God hears more than our words—He listens to our heart.
112.  The more attracted we are to Christ, the less we’ll be attracted by the world.
113.  The next person you meet may be your mission field.
114.  The seeds of wrongdoing may be sown in secret, but the crop cannot be concealed.
115.  The greatest gift anyone can give us is a godly example.
116.  To be a friend of Jesus is to be a friend of sinners.
117.  Every loss leaves an empty space that only God’s presence can fill.
118.  True friendliness can be a magnet that draws people to Christ.
119.  Decay starts when growth stops.
120.  Salvation is a gift that any one has the right to open.
121.  Daily work done for God takes on eternal value.
122.  The face is a mirror of the heart—do people see Jesus in yours?
123.  Life’s tragedies are a call to reflect and repent.
124.  The Spirit within us will faithfully guide us.
125.  The best eraser in the world is an honest confession to God.
126.  When you trust Jesus here on earth He writes your name in heaven.
127.  A good motive turns bad on the hinge of selfishness.
128.  A life lived for God will count for eternity.
129.  When Jesus rules the heart, peace reigns.
130.  A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
131.  When you see someone in need, be a friend in deed.
132.  Neither vice nor virtue can remain a secret forever.
133.  It is easier to resist the first evil desire than to satisfy all the ones that follow.
134.  God knows the end from the beginning, so we can trust Him with everything between.
135.  One little word can spare us a lot of trouble. It’s NO.
136.  The mighty Architect of the universe became the humble Carpenter of Nazareth.
137.  Compassion is love in action.
138.  The stops of a good man are ordered by the Lord as well as his steps.
139.  God’s children never say goodbye for the last time
140.  Praise is the overflow of a joyful heart.
141.  We can never get beyond the circle of God’s care.
142.  Right thinking leads to right living.
143.  As Christians draw close to Christ, they draw closer to one another.
144.  Scripture is meant to give us protection, correction, and direction.
145.  We have all eternity to praise God—begin today.
146.  God’s hand of discipline is a hand of love.
147.  In prayer, God hears more than words; He listens to your heart.
148.  God is love—but love is not God.
149.  Only God can fill the emptiness of an aching heart.
150.  The good news is meant to be shared.
151.  Your little is a lot when you give your all.
152.  The Spirit of God enables us to obey the Word of God.
153.  In the wonders of creation we see God at work.
154.  Do those who know you know you are a Christian?
155.  It’s better to give others a piece of your heart than a piece of your mind.
156.  Give praise to others while they are here; they won’t need it in the hereafter,
157.  To the wise, God’s Word is sufficient.
158.  Jesus gave His all; He deserves our all.
159.  No one is old that is young at heart.
160.  Build your life on the solid foundation—Jesus Christ.
161.  God gives grace for this life and glory in the life to come.
162.  To put failure behind you, face up to it.
163.  God’s work in our life puts a new song in our heart.
164.  No one understands like Jesus.
165.  In the race of life, it takes discipline to finish strong.
166.  Those who know Jesus are never alone.
167.  God’s grace is not license to live as we please—it’s liberty to please God.
168.  Adversity is the test of true friendship.
169.  Dying is the last page of time and the first page of eternity.
170.  If you doubt that Jesus cares, remember His tears.
171.  Only Christ the Living Bread can satisfy our spiritual hunger.
172.  God’s love can seem harsh until we view it with hindsight.
173.  You don’t have to worry about eyestrain from looking on the brighter side of life.
174.  The gains of heaven will more than compensate us for the losses on earth.
175.  Nothing costs as much as loving—except not loving.
176.  The best constitution in the world is the Bible.
177.  The one who lives for this life only will have an eternity to regret it.
178.  The true measure of our wealth is the treasure we have in heaven.
179.  Obedience to God is the key to a lasting influence.
180.  God cares.
181.  The pleasures of earth cannot compare to the joys of heaven.
182.  The cross of Christ reveals man’s sin at its worst and God’s love at its best.
183.  The best remedy for greed is generosity.
184.  God’s eternal love is the source of our eternal life.
185.  Study God’s written Word to know Christ the living Word.
186.  Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.
187.  Seeing God’s work in our lives puts a new song on our lips.
188.  As we draw near to Christ we are drawn near to each other
189.  No one is beyond the reach of God’s love.
190.  If you’re searching for nuggets of truth, the Bible is a gold mine.
191.  We don’t need more of the Spirit; the Spirit needs more of us.
192.  Living daily for Christ requires dying daily to self.
193.  If God didn’t have a purpose for us, we wouldn’t be here.
194.  To know happiness, know God.
195.  The crowns we wear in heaven must be won on earth.
196.  Sin cannot flourish where godliness is cultivated.
197.  The human spirit fails us unless the Holy Spirit fills us.
198.  Instead of giving up on a person give that person to God.
199.  Satan may win some battles, but he has already lost the war.
200.  To withstand temptation, stand with Christ.
201.  God loves you and me—let’s love each other.
202.  Be ready for your last moment by being ready every moment.
203.  A true friend will put a finger on your faults without rubbing them in.
204.  Fruitbearing + Pruning = More Fruit
205.  God can transform a tragedy into triumph.
206.  To show that you value eternity, make good use of your time.
207.  You can be a peacemaker if you have God’s peace in your heart.
208.  When you spend time with God, you invest in a forever friendship.
209.  God’s call to a task includes His strength to complete it.
210.  The wise know God’s limits—fools know no bounds.
211.  The first step to receiving eternal life is to admit that we don’t deserve it.
212.  Christians are like coals of fire—together, they glow; apart, they grow cold.
213.  For the Christian, death is the doorway to Glory.
214.  Delay is not denial—pray on!
215.  Better than counting your years is making all your years count.
216.  The world sees what we do—God sees why we do it.
217.  Detecting sin is the first step to deliverance from sin.
218.  Safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of God.
219.  The best thing you spend on your children is your time.
220.  Without a heart aflame for God, we cannot shine for Jesus.
221.  Following Jesus is always right—but not always easy.
222.  To uproot the weeds of anxious care, get down on your knees.
223.  God’s discipline is designed to make us like His Son.
224.  Failure is not defeat unless you stop trying.
225.  The sign of genuine faith is faith that needs no sign.
226.  A heart filled with praise brings pleasure to God.
227.  The race of life is run by faith and won by grace.
228.  The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
229.  God’s truth is the best protection against Satan’s lies.
230.  God is the only King who can never be defeated.
231.  I’m just a nobody telling everybody about Somebody who can save anybody!
232.  God can bring showers of blessing out of storms of adversity.
233.  Death separates us for a time; Christ will reunite us forever.
234.  God never tires of our asking.
235.  Nothing speaks more clearly of God’s love than the cross of Jesus.
236.  When we experience peace with God, we can share His peace with others.
237.  Present pains can lead to permanent gains.
238.  To find God, we must be willing to seek Him.
239.  God doesn’t ask us to be successful but to be faithful.
240.  To defeat Satan, surrender to Christ.
241.  The sure place to bury sin is at the foot of the cross.
242.  Jesus has prepared a place for us and is now preparing us for the place.
243.  Beautiful character begins in the heart.
244.  To avoid going wrong, follow God’s leading.
245.  God is greater than our greatest problem.
246.  Those who reject Christ as Savior will face Him as Judge.
247.  The more you love God, the more you hate sin.
248.  God invites us to burden Him with what burdens us.
249.  God uses setbacks to move us forward.
250.  The Christian’s inheritance is guaranteed forever!
251.  Don’t let tragedy steal your trust in God.
252.  God’s house should be a hive for workers—not a nest for drones.
253.  Let your light shine—whether you’re a candle in a corner or a lighthouse on a hill.
254.  God always gives the strength for the next step.
255.  One act of kindness may teach more about the love of God than many sermons.
256.  Life’s burdens are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God.
257.  Instead of trying to twist God’s arm, put yourself in His hands.
258.  A Christlike life can be the world’s Bible.
259.  The most powerful ruler is but a pawn in the hand of the King of Kings.
260.  Be ambitious for the Lord, but be cautious about your motives.
261.  Spend time and money wisely; they both belong to God.
262.  Jesus hears even the faintest cry for help.
263.  The only right way is the straight and narrow way.
264.  Witnessing for Christ is never out of season.
265.  The way of obedience is the only way of blessing.
266.  To keep spiritually fit, consult the Great Physician.
267.  To find truth, look to Christ.
268.  Whatsoever the season of life, attitude makes all the difference.
269.  Listening may be the most loving thing you do today.
270.  The Holy Spirit is our ever-present protector.
271.  Big lessons can be learned from little children.
272.  Instead of grumbling because you don’t get what you want, be thankful you don’t get what you deserve.
273.  When others think of you, do they think of Jesus?
274.  To conquer your fears, surrender them to the Lord.
275.  It’s difficult to stand on a pedestal and wash the feet of those below.
276.  The cross of Christ—the crossroads to heaven or hell.
277.  Fruitful service grows in the soil of faithful worship.
278.  When you’re wronged, don’t do what comes naturally; do what comes supernaturally.
279.  To keep your heart from growing cold, say on fire for God.
280.  God always knocks loud enough for the seeking soul to hear.
281.  Obedience is the pathway to joy.
282.  When it seems you can’t forgive, remember how much you’ve been forgiven.
283.  When you let God’s love fill your heart, it will show on your face.
284.  God loves you as much as if you were His only child.
285.  Those who fix their eyes on heaven will not be distracted by things on earth.
286.  If you make room for Jesus in your heart, He will make room for you in heaven.
287.  You won’t get indigestion by swallowing your pride.
288.  Never take on more work than you have time to pray over.
289.  We can endure life’s wrongs because we know that God will make all things right.
290.  Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.
291.  All creation sings God’s praise.
292.  We won’t fear God’s judgment when we know His forgiving love.
293.  For a new start, ask God for a new heart.
294.  He has a right to criticize who has the heart to help.
295.  Honesty is the best policy.
296.  To improve your outlook, try the uplook.
297.  No service for Christ goes unnoticed by Him.
298.  Never measure God’s unlimited power by your limited expectations.
299.  Christ’s resurrection is the guarantee of our own.
300.  A heart open to God is soil in which the seed of His Word can flourish.
301.  The only leaders qualified to lead are those who have learned to serve.
302.  God’s love cannot be explained—it can only be experienced.
303.  The real measure of our wealth is what will be ours in eternity.
304.  An idol is anything that takes the place of God.
305.  Your love for your neighbor is proof of your love for God.
306.  There is no such thing as insignificant service for Christ.
307.  No matter how dark your past, with Christ your future is bright.
308.  God’s plan includes you. Do your plans include God?
309.  A song in the heart puts a smile on the face.
310.  The One who died to save you will never be against you.
311.  A salty Christian makes others thirsty for Jesus, the Water of Life.
312.  A change in the heart brings a change in behavior.
313.  To multiply your joy, count your blessings.
314.  The more you look forward to heaven, the less you’ll desire of earth.
315.  Most of us are far-sighted about sin—we see the sins of others but not our own.
316.  Nothing is so attractive as being like Christ.
317.  There are many ways to worship God, but only one God to worship.
318.  A half-hearted Christian needs to regain a heart for God.
319.  Instead of living in the shadow of yesterday, walk in the light of today and in the hope of tomorrow.
320.  Let Christ be first in your thoughts in the morning and last in your thoughts at night.
321.  Open your Bible prayerfully, read it carefully, obey it joyfully.
322.  A lie is a coward’s attempt to get out of trouble.
323.  At the heart of worship is worship from the heart.
324.  One of life’s greatest illusions is that sin has no consequences.
325.  The best peacemakers are those who know the peace of God.
326.  Our weakness is a blessing when we lean on God’s strength.
327.  Jesus longs for our fellowship even more than we long for His.
328.  Our witness for Christ is the light for a world in darkness.
329.  True freedom is found in obedience to Christ.
330.  Money can be a helpful servant but a cruel master.
331.  If God has already told you what to do, you don’t need to ask Him again.
332.  God uses our difficulties to make us better—not bitter.
333.  When you can’t be there, you can help through prayer.
334.  The best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend.
335.  When we choose to follow Jesus, our whole life changes directions.
336.  Don’t just count your days, make your days count.
337.  To lead others out of darkness, let them see your light.
338.  Kindness is treating others the way God treats you.
339.  A successful marriage requires falling in love many times—with the same person.
340.  Prayer should be our first response rather than our last resort.
341.  Christ showed His love by dying for us; we show our love by living for Him.
342.  God gives to you so you can give to others.
343.  Faith knows that God is working behind the scenes.
344.  We respect God when we obey God.
345.  Treat others faults as graciously as you do your own.
346.  Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.
347.  We can plant the seed, but only God can give the harvest.
348.  God came to live with us so we could live with Him.
349.  Kindness is always in season.
350.  Fear will leave us when we remember that God is always with us.
351.  God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters.
352.  Joy thrives in the soil of praise.
353.  You can trust the Bible—God always keeps His Word.
354.  Confession to God always brings cleansing from God.
355.  Without the light of Jesus, we would be in the dark about God.
356.  A heart in tune with God can’t help but sing His praise.
357.  Jesus loves all people, not just the ones who look like you.
358.  Happiness depends on what you are, not on what you have.
359.  Those who love and serve God on earth, will feel at home in heaven.
360.  You can attract people to Christ when you have His light in your life.
361.  The death of Christ is the measure of God’s love for you.
362.  Talk with God—He longs to hear from you.
363.  To see Jesus will be heaven’s greatest joy.
364.  Resentment comes from looking at others; contentment comes from looking to God.
365.  Christ’s empty tomb fills us with hope.
366.  You’re not ready to live until you’re ready to die.
367.  To become like Christ, we must learn from the Master.
368.  The storms of life reveal the strength of our faith.
369.  Every child needs a praying parent.
370.  We learn the lesson of trust in the school of trial.
371.  Our hearts are restless till they find their rest in Christ.
372.  Never fear criticism when you’re right; never ignore it when you’re wrong.
373.  If life is a grind, use it to sharpen your character.
374.  The human spirit soars with hope when lifted by an encouraging word.
375.  Spiritual strength requires a training program of Bible reading and prayer.
376.  To avoid being tempted by forbidden fruit, stay away from the devil’s orchard.
377.  Those who love Christ have a heart for Christ.
378.  God uses ordinary people to carry out His extraordinary plan.
379.  To sing God’s praise, keep your heart in tune with Him.
380.  Those who follow the crowd soon become part of the crowd.
381.  Life is more than the things we store.
382.  Christians never say goodbye to each other for the last time.
383.  Each new day gives us new reasons to sing God’s praise.
384.  To get the most out of life, make every moment count for Christ.
385.  Christ can transform painful trials into glorious triumphs.
386.  God’s answers are much wiser than our prayers.
387.  God’s help is only a prayer away.
388.  Great achievement requires great perseverance.
389.  Write your plans in pencil, then give God the eraser.
390.  Kind words can give a lift to a heavy heart.
391.  Children of the light will not be comfortable in the dark.
392.  Walking with Jesus leaves footprints for others to follow.
393.  If you follow the Savior He’ll teach you how to fish.
394.  What we leave in our children is more important than what we leave to them.
395.  Because God gives us everything, we owe Him all the praise.
396.  A little light makes a big difference in the darkest night.
397.  God’s timing is always right—wait patiently for Him.
398.  We honor God when we honor one another.
399.  The Church rooted by God, can never be uprooted by man.
400.  God’s gift of joy is worth the wait.
401.  Christians at war with each other cannot be at peace with their Father.
402.  If you know Jesus, you’ll never walk alone.
403.  To master temptation, let Christ master you.
404.  Through prayer, finite man draws upon the power of the infinite God.
405.  Christ paid a debt He didn’t owe to satisfy a debt we couldn’t pay.
406.  Nobody wins when we play favorites.
407.  You don’t need to know where you are going if you’re following the Shepherd.
408.  If you know Jesus, you always have reasons to rejoice.
409.  Beware—the more you look at temptation, the better it looks.
410.  When people are more important than profits, everyone profits.
411.  The best reason for hope is God’s faithfulness.
412.  The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
413.  God teaches us so we can teach others.
414.  What you decide about Jesus will determine your destiny.
415.  The richest inheritance a grandparent can leave is a godly example.
416.  There is no excuse for excusing sin.
417.  When you know God’s grace, you’ll want to show God’s grace.
418.  Prayer does not require eloquence but earnestness.
419.  The best safeguard for the younger generation is a good example by the older generation.
420.  We all need salvation whether we’re nice or not.
421.  No tragedy is beyond God’s sovereignty.
422.  He who waits on the Lord will not be crushed by the weights of adversity.
423.  A fruitful harvest requires faithful service.
424.  To conquer the habit of complaining, count your blessings.
425.  We haven’t learned to live until we’ve learned to give.
426.  The truth of Christ is the only path to freedom.
427.  A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can we be perfected without trial.
428.  Conviction makes us sad—confession makes us glad.
429.  The warm fellowship of an Assembly will keep your heart from growing cold.
430.  A life filled with love for the Lord and for others is a fulfilling life.
431.  We must learn to weep before we can dry another’s tears.
432.  The Bible is a mirror that lets us see ourselves as God sees us.
433.  Compassion is the key that opens the door to forgiveness.
434.  Many that have been blind to the truth have found that reading the Bible is a real eye-opener.
435.  God’s work is done by those who pray.
436.  In life and death our only hope is Jesus.
437.  Nations rise and fall, but Christ’s kingdom stands forever.
438.  Living only for temporary gain leads to eternal loss.
439.  When God permits trials He also promises comfort.
440.  Heaven—no pain, no night, no death, no tears.
441.  Little sins won’t stay little.
442.  Christ braved the shadow of eternal death to bring us the sunshine of eternal life.
443.  Leaders don’t attain greatness by giving orders, but by serving others.
444.  Instead of looking at hypocrites, look to Jesus.
445.  Rather than complain about the thorns on the roses, be thankful for the roses among the thorns.
446.  There’s a longing in every heart that only Jesus can satisfy.
447.  Giving is a true measure of love.
448.  Be faithful— and leave the results to God.
449.  Even in life’s darkest hour, Christians have the brightest hope.
450.  The power of the devil is no match for the power of Jesus.
451.  Christlikeness is always in season.
452.  Repentance means hating sin enough to turn from it.
453.  A divided heart multiplies our problems.
454.  There are no unimportant members in the body of Christ.
455.  True faith needs feelings to rest upon.
456.  A little kindness can make a big difference.
457.  We are heirs of God not merely by contract, but by birthright.
458.  If you want life-changing mail, open your Bible and read a letter from God.
459.  Worry casts a big shadow behind a small thing.
460.  When you open your heart to Jesus, heaven is open to you.
461.  To know Jesus is to know God.
462.  Opportunities to be kind are never hard to find.
463.  God speaks through His Word to those who listen with their heart.
464.  Our greatest freedom is freedom from sin.
465.  You can have tons of religion without an ounce of salvation.
466.  Weak excuses keep some people from the meetings week after week.
467.  A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and going on.
468.  Every word we say on earth is heard in heaven.
469.  If your mind goes blank don’t forget to turn off the sound.
470.  Thankfulness begins with a good memory.
471.  Hearts in tune with God will sing His praises.
472.  If you believe that Jesus lives, you don’t have to fear death.
473.  Some people stop looking for work when they get a job.
474.  Don’t drive your stakes too deep—we’re moving in the morning.
475.  To get out of a hard situation, try a soft answer.
476.  Forbidden fruit tastes sweet, but its aftertaste is bitter.
477.  To reject God’s deliverance is to invite destruction.
478.  If you yield to God, you won’t give in to sin.
479.  You won’t fall for what’s wrong if you stand for what’s right.
480.  To have a fulfilling life, let God fill you.
481.  To master temptation, keep your eyes on the Master.
482.  The only hope for world peace is the coming of the Prince of Peace.
483.  If we could earn our Salvation, Christ would not have died to provide it.
484.  Examine all teaching in the light of God’s Word.
485.  We may ask amiss, but God answers aright.
486.  The most deceptive liars are those who live on the edge of the truth.
487.  The Bible isn’t a dry book if you know its Author.
488.  God helps those who know they are helpless.
489.  Listen to understand, and then speak with love.
490.  The future is bright if Christ is your hope.
491.  When you taste God’s goodness His praise will be on your lips.
492.  The angels of God assist the people of God as they do God’s work.
493.  No one can bypass Jesus and get to heaven.
494.  The Father gave us the Spirit to make us like His Son.
495.  Those who listen to lies lose their ability to hear the truth.
496.  Unless we are humble, we are sure to stumble.
497.  God is stronger than our strongest foe.
498.  God fills our heart with peace when we pour out our heart to Him.
499.  Kindness to the elderly brightens their sunset years.
500.  Open your ears to God before you open your mouth to others.
501.  The world crowns success, God crowns faithfulness.
502.  You can gain knowledge on your own, but wisdom comes from God.
503.  If you shirk today’s tasks, you increase tomorrow’s burdens.
504.  All Christians have the same employer—they just have different jobs.
505.  God has not promised to keep us from life’s storms, but to keep us through them.
506.  Although the outlook may be bleak, the uplook is always bright.
507.  God’s strength is best felt in our weakness.
508.  Our salvation depends on what Christ did for us; our reward depends on how we live for Him.
509.  Nothing on earth can compare to being with Christ in heaven.
510.  God is not a vending machine.
511.  Fervent prayer dispels anxious care.
512.  Success in marriage is not finding the right person but becoming the right person.
513.  Many books can inform you; only the Bible can transform you.
514.  True freedom comes not from choosing our way, but from yielding to God’s way.
515.  With God on our side we are never outnumbered.
516.  Make others happy wherever you go, not whenever you go.
517.  In acceptance we find peace.
518.  Your life will either shed light or cast a shadow.
519.  God’s awesome presence is both convicting and comforting.
520.  Motherhood is a sacred partnership with God.
521.  Revenge gets you even with your enemy; forgiveness puts you above him.
522.  The flowers or weeds that spring up tomorrow are the seeds we sow today.
523.  We don’t need more to be thankful for, we need to be more thankful.
524.  God’s truth uncovers Satan’s lies.
525.  In serving the Lord, it’s always too soon to quit.
526.  Compared to God’s Word, the world’s riches are fool’s gold.
527.  Prejudice builds walls; love breaks them down.
528.  Praise is the voice of faith.
529.  We must adjust our lives to the Bible—never the Bible to our lives.
530.  Sin brings fear, but confession brings freedom.
531.  True contentment is not in having everything, but being satisfied in everything you have.
532.  Someday the scales of justice will be perfectly balanced.
533.  The memory of a faithful life speaks more eloquently than words.
534.  We can learn more from sorrow than from laughter.
535.  Christ departed so that the Holy Spirit could be imparted.
536.  Spending quiet time with God will bring quiet rest from God.
537.  We are saved by God’s mercy, not by our merit—by Christ’s dying, not by our doing.
538.  No matter where you go God goes with you.
539.  Time spent with the Lord is time well spent.
540.  Failure is never final for those who begin again with God.
541.  If you adore Christ as Savior, you can’t ignore Christ as Lord.
542.  Do your best to silence gossip—don’t repeat it.
543.  To stretch the truth is to tell a lie.
544.  Fruitfulness for Christ depends on fellowship with Christ.
545.  To ease another’s burden, help carry it.
546.  Nails could not have kept Jesus on the cross if His love for us had not held Him there.
547.  Jesus arose despite His foes.
548.  Our greatest weakness may be our failure to rely on God’s strength.
549.  Putting Christ first brings satisfaction that lasts.
550.  To influence leaders for God, intercede with God for leaders.
551.  When we find Christ, we discover we were the ones who were lost.
552.  There’s no better news than the gospel—spread the news.
553.  God’s justice and mercy met at the cross.
554.  When you know Christ, you want others to know Him too.
555.  The resurrection of Jesus is a fact of history that demands a response of faith.
556.  Christ came not to satisfy our curiosity but to save our souls.
557.  The great Physician is always on call.
558.  To know life’s purpose, you must know life’s Creator.
559.  To know the meaning of the cross, you must know the One who died there.
560.  Using your few days wisely can make an eternal difference.
561.  Our greatest privilege is to enjoy Christ’s presence.
562.  To know the author of the Bible, read His book.
563.  It’s always too soon to quit.
564.  Prayer is an open line to heaven.
565.  Spoiled children are given what they want; wise parents give them what they need.
566.  God never fails to give credit where credit is due.
567.  To live for Christ, we must die to self.
568.  God’s generous giving deserves thankful living.
569.  To find your way through, follow Jesus.
570.  The cost of obedience is nothing compared with the cost of disobedience.
571.  Faith and love are vital to effective prayer.
572.  One of the marks of a well fed soul is a well read Bible.
573.  Feeding your faith will starve your doubts.
574.  Only when we are changed can we help others to change.
575.  Our day’s work isn’t done until we build up someone.
576.  Jesus is the only fountain who can satisfy the thirsty soul.
577.  Only the one who has learned to serve is qualified to lead.
578.  Often it’s the joy behind our words that makes our testimony ring true.
579.  God is never inconvenienced by our prayers.
580.  A Godly parent is a child’s best guide to God.
581.  The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to change the people of God.
582.  God has left us in the world to witness to the world.
583.  The idea of a triune God staggers the mind but to know Him satisfies the heart.
584.  God stretches our patience to enlarge our soul.
585.  For time and for eternity, Jesus is all we need.
586.  A spark of encouragement can rekindle warmth in the heart.
587.  God’s promises are treasures waiting to be discovered.
588.  It’s never too soon to come home to God.
589.  Sacrifice is the true measure of our doing.
590.  The only real thirst quencher is Jesus—the Living Water.
591.  A big part of loving is listening.
592.  Little things done in Christ’s name are great things.
593.  God uses our difficulties to develop our character.
594.  Honesty means never having to look over your shoulder.
595.  God may conceal the purpose of His ways, but His ways are not without purpose.
596.  To trust is to triumph, for the battle is the Lord’s.
597.  A living faith is a working faith.
598.  Wisdom is to know when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech.
599.  You can’t store up treasures in heaven if you’re holding to the treasures on earth.
600.  To renew your love for Christ, review Christ’s love for you.
601.  The more we love Jesus the more we’ll long for heaven.
602.  When we have nothing left but God, we find that God is enough.
603.  Trusting God’s faithfulness dispels our fearfulness.
604.  We get the most out of life when we live for Christ.
605.  Truth spoken in love is hard to refuse.
606.  Marriages may be made in heaven, but they have to be worked out on earth.
607.  We can accomplish more together than we can alone.
608.  Happiness depends on happenings; joy depends on Jesus.
609.  The truth may hurt, but love helps ease the pain.
610.  To silence gossip, refuse to repeat it.
611.  The God Who delivered us yesterday is worthy of our obedience today.
612.  It’s not the hours you put in, but what you put in the hours that counts.
613.  We honor God our Father when we live like His son.
614.  God gives strength in proportion to the strain.
615.  It’s not enough to know the facts of salvation—you must also know the Savior.
616.  Knowing God gives meaning to life; obeying God gives purpose to life.
617.  The future is as bright as the promises of God.
618.  Every temptation is an opportunity to trust God.
619.  You are headed in the right direction when you walk with God.
620.  God’s forgiveness is the door to a new beginning.
621.  He who abandons himself to God will never be abandoned by God.
622.  We need not fear the perils around us because the eye of the Lord is always upon us.
623.  Truth is not determined by how many people believe it.
624.  To reveal error, expose it to the light of God’s truth.
625.  Worship on Lord’s day morning should begin on Saturday night.
626.  Those who know God will be humble; those who know themselves cannot be proud.
627.  If you think you know everything, you have a lot to learn.
628.  Living for the Lord leaves a lasting legacy.
629.  In tough times God teaches us to trust.
630.  Good intentions are no substitute for obedience.
631.  No one is good enough to save himself; no one is so bad that God cannot save him.
632.  God’s justice leaves no room for prejudice.
633.  A tunnel of testing can produce a shining testimony.
634.  Criticism is a good teacher if we are willing to learn from it.
635.  We witness best for Christ when we say the least about ourselves.
636.  Contentment comes not from great wealth but from few wants.
637.  Everyone is valuable to God.
638.  It’s risky to go out on a limb—but that’s where the fruit is.
639.  God provides the armor, but we must put it on.
640.  Never under estimate the value of a single soul.
641.  The ultimate Physician can reach you wherever you are.
642.  To be a healthy Christian, don’t treat the Bible as snack food.
643.  Good exercise for the heart: reach out and help your neighbor.
644.  Faith bridges chasms that reason cannot fathom.
645.  Christ’s second coming is as certain as His first.
646.  Nothing can dim the beauty that shines from within.
647.  God’s forgiveness frees us from the chains of regret.
648.  When words and actions agree, the message is loud and clear.
649.  Jesus makes possible our new birth and nature’s rebirth.
650.  Strong faith is often found in the heart of a child
651.  God must rule our hearts if our feet are to walk in His Way.
652.  The sweetest experience of God’s love can be found in times of sorrow.
653.  With practice, anyone can master the art of thankfulness.
654.  Loving others requires a heart of obedience to God.
655.  Death is not a period—it’s a comma.
656.  God claims by grace those who have no claim to grace.
657.  The design of creation points to a Master Designer.
658.  Grace is infinite love expressing itself in infinite goodness.
659.  Our tongue can be our own worst enemy.
660.  The power of Christ within you is greater than the power of evil around you.
661.  God transforms trials into triumphs.
662.  Discover your spiritual gifts by using the talents God has given.
663.  A happy marriage is a union of two good forgivers.
664.  Difficult truth should be wrapped in the language of love.
665.  Faith is God’s antidote for fear.
666.  God’s Word promises riches that money cannot buy.
667.  Our sin becomes two when it is defended.
668.  We who know the joy of salvation should not keep it to ourselves.
669.  It’s never too soon to accept Christ, but at any moment it could be too late.
670.  When it’s time to breathe a prayer of thanks, don’t hold your breath.
671.  Judge yourself before you judge another.
672.  When conviction runs deep, courage rises to sustain it.
673.  Looking for guidance? Follow Christ, your guide.
674.  A child of the King should reflect his Father’s character.
675.  If you can’t hate that which is evil, you can’t love that which is good.
676.  The goodness of God reveals His glory.
677.  Jesus is the image of the invisible God.
678.  Gratefulness overcomes selfishness.
679.  Christian love gives and forgives.
680.  Only by being on the level can we rise in the eyes of others.
681.  The Bible will tell you what is wrong before you have done it!
682.  Because Jesus is the light of the world, we don’t need to be in the dark about God.
683.  Nurture your marriage and you’ll nourish your soul.
684.  One bite of sin leaves a bitter aftertaste.
685.  Real love puts good intentions into actions.
686.  Christ’s resurrection is cause for our celebration.
687.  You cannot teach what you do not know, nor lead where you do not go.
688.  The better you know Jesus in your heart, the more the world will see Jesus in your life.
689.  Faith in Christ is not a single step—it’s a lifelong walk with Him.
690.  No one is too good or too bad to be saved.
691.  Conversion is the miracle of the moment; becoming like Christ is the work of a lifetime.
692.  In a world of smoke and mirrors, Jesus offers the miracle of salvation.
693.  A world in despair needs saints that care.
694.  A heartfelt apology can’t change the past, but it can brighten the future.
695.  The idol of self is a sorry substitute for God.
696.  To laugh is to be fully human.
697.  In a world of constant change, you can trust in God’s unchanging Word.
698.  Once we’ve feasted on the goodness of God, nothing else will satisfy.
699.  Serving the Lord is an investment with eternal dividends.
700.  When a Christian hits rock bottom, he’ll find that Christ is a firm foundation.
701.  The best way to renew our minds is to read God’s Word daily.
702.  What you do with Jesus now determines what He will do with you later.
703.  Don’t study the Bible to quote it; study it to obey it.
704.  When you receive Christ, God’s work in you has just begun.
705.  Many Christians are strong on service but weak on worship.
706.  Only Living Water can quench the driving thirst of the soul.
707.  The best way to escape temptation is to flee to God.
708.  There are no gains without pains.
709.  To hear God’s voice, turn down the world’s volume.
710.  The Christian’s heart is the home of the Holy Spirit.
711.  God reached out to mankind with the arms of Jesus.
712.  Though millions are bending God’s ear in prayer, He listens to each individually.
713.  Keep anything out of your life that would crowd Christ out of your heart.
714.  Apply yourself to the Scriptures and the Scriptures to yourself.
715.  Time is a friend when you use it to strengthen your friendship with Jesus.
716.  Confession of sin lets the light of God’s forgiveness shine through.
717.  Poverty of purpose is far worse than poverty of purse.
718.  The gospel is bad news to those who reject it and good news to those who receive it.
719.  It’s not enough to know God with your head; you must know Him in your heart.
720.  There’s no better sermon than a good example.
721.  In Christ the hopeless find hope.
722.  Christians worth their salt make others thirsty for the water of life.
723.  In the dictionary of discipleship, you won’t find the word retreat.
724.  He rests well who rests in Jesus.
725.  Sin invites judgment; confession ensures forgiveness.
726.  No one is stronger than the one who depends on God.
727.  Every child of God fills a special place in His plan.
728.  There is victory in surrender when the conqueror is the Lord Jesus.
729.  Adversities are often blessings in disguise.
730.  Yielding to God’s Spirit within prevents conforming to the world without.
731.  “Grow up” is what the young are told—“age gracefully” when growing old.
732.  Tact is the ability to make a point without making an enemy.
733.  Following Jesus takes the busyness out of life.
734.  If you want to feel rich, count all the things you have that money can’t buy.
735.  Whenever we fall, it is usually at a point where we think we are strong.
736.  Feeling hopeless reminds us that we are helpless without God.
737.  God gives enough grace for each trial we face.
738.  No danger can come so near the Christian that God is not nearer.
739.  It’s not the words we pray that matter, it’s the condition of our hearts.
740.  What is done for Christ in this life will be rewarded in the life to come.
741.  A smile is a curve that can set things straight.
742.  A true friend stays true to the end.
743.  Only Jesus can transform your life.
744.  He is no genius who ignores his Creator.
745.  The straight and narrow way is God’s way for a crooked generation.
746.  A true measure of a person is what’s in his heart.
747.  Jesus doesn’t need lawyers, He needs witnesses.
748.  Those who lay up treasures in heaven are the richest people on earth.
749.  When Jesus changes your heart, He gives you a heart for others.
750.  The key to understanding the written Word is knowing the Living Word.
751.  The Christian finds safety, not in the absence of danger, but in the presence of God.
752.  Work is a blessing when it blesses others.
753.  When Satan strikes, strike back with the Word of God.
754.  Our Father longs to spend quality time with His children.
755.  The best fathers not only give us life—they teach us how to live.
756.  The question is not where is God, but where isn’t He.
757.  Boast not in what you do for Christ, but in what Christ does for you.
758.  People will listen to you carefully if they see you walking faithfully.
759.  If you’re living for Christ you may lose some friends, but you won’t lose their respect.
760.  The Great Physician always has the right remedy.
761.  Every time you speak, your mind is on parade.
762.  A little love can make a big difference.
763.  True repentance turns from the wrong and returns to the right.
764.  You can trust your instincts when you are trusting Christ.
765.  Look at the wonder of creation and say, “What a wonderful God!”
766.  Satan offers nothing but tricks and deceit.
767.  Jesus’ blood can cleanse any sin, but is powerless to forgive an excuse.
768.  Godly exercise is the key to godly character.
769.  God is in control so we have nothing to fear.
770.  To overcome sin, starve the old nature and feed the new.
771.  As the dishes sit and soak, take your Bible and do the same.
772.  God sometimes puts us in the dark to show us that Jesus is in the light.
773.  In His will is our peace.
774.  Jesus removes our sin and rewards our service.
775.  God’s love does not keep us from trials, but sees us through them.
776.  Our highest privilege is to talk to God; our highest duty is to listen to Him.
777.  The best way to know God’s will is to say “I will” to God.
778.  Jesus gave His all for us; are we giving our all for Him?
779.  Eyes of faith see God at work in everything.
780.  Christ’s cleansing power can remove the most stubborn stain of sin.
781.  Pray as if everything depends upon God; work as if everything depends upon you.
782.  For a quick check on your heart, check out your checkbook.
783.  God often empties our hands to fill our heart.
784.  A child of the King will want to display the manners of the court.
785.  The Bible—eternal truth and never-fading beauty.
786.  You can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them.
787.  We don’t really know the Bible until we obey the Bible.
788.  Christians are either Bibles or libels.
789.  The fly that buzzes the loudest usually gets swatted first.
790.  For a Christian, wholeness always comes after brokenness.
791.  The Creator sometimes hides secrets from sages and reveals them to children.
792.  Untold millions are perishing—untold.
793.  One truth from the Bible is worth more than all the wisdom of man.
794.  Don’t let self confidence replace your trust in God.
795.  Any place can be the right place to witness.
796.  We feel God’s strength in the strain of our struggle.
797.  The world rewards quick success; God rewards long-term faithfulness.
798.  There would be no crown-wearers in heaven had Christ not been the cross bearer on earth.
799.  Praise has the power to lighten our heaviest burden.
800.  Jesus took our sin so that we might have His salvation.
801.  Jesus took our place that we might have His peace.
802.  If God doesn’t remove an obstacle, He’ll help you around it.
803.  Earth changes, but God and His Word stand sure!
804.  To forget the elderly is to ignore the wisdom of years.
805.  Even when we don’t sense God’s presence, His loving care is all around us.
806.  Our worship is right only when we are right with God.
807.  To love to teach is one thing—to love those you teach is quite another.
808.  A single light can provide hope in the darkest night.
809.  You cannot hide your influence.
810.  Faith in a creed can go stale—faith in Christ can never fail.
811.  Trust God to move your mountain but keep on climbing.
812.  When your world is falling apart, trust Jesus to hold it together.
813.  Prayer isn’t a time to give orders but to report for duty.
814.  God can transform a sin-stained soul into a masterpiece of grace.
815.  Blessing is found along the pathway of duty.
816.  If your Christian life is a drag, worldly weights may be holding you back.
817.  Keep your thoughts in line, or they’ll lead you astray.
818.  It is an awesome responsibility to own a Bible.
819.  It’s always darkest before dawn.
820.  Conscience is a trustworthy compass when God’s Word is your true north.
821.  Spend your time counting your blessings—not airing your complaints.
822.  The right kind of fear will keep us from doing wrong.
823.  Love helps people even when it hurts.
824.  No trial would cause us to despair if we knew God’s reason for allowing it.
825.  Christ’s resurrection is more than a fact of history—it’s the proof of our salvation.
826.  Your decision about Jesus determines your destiny.
827.  Your response to temptation will make you or break you.
828.  God speaks to those who are willing to hear Him.
829.  Our character is only as strong as our behavior.
830.  The victories of the past give courage for the future.
831.  He is truly rich who is satisfied with Jesus.
832.  With unwanted burdens come undeserved blessings.
833.  Why pay the high price for this world’s bargains when eternal life is free?
834.  God’s easy yoke does not fit on a stiff neck.
835.  Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
836.  When we focus on Christ everything else becomes clear.
837.  Choosing to deaden bad feelings eventually deadens our ability to feel good.
838.  Mind what you say, or you might say whatever comes to mind.
839.  If you can’t find a way out look up.
840.  God is the only ally we can always count on.
841.  When you fish for souls, cast your nets in faith and draw them in with love.
842.  Christian fellowship promotes spiritual growth.
843.  The more you love Jesus, the more you’ll talk about Him.
844.  When we walk with the Lord we’ll be out of step with the world.
845.  Those who have their hearts fixed on heaven will hold loosely the things on earth.
846.  Even the best people have nothing to boast about.
847.  To love sinners is to be like Jesus.
848.  Faithfulness in little things is a great thing.
849.  Many Christians do nothing, but no Christian has nothing to do.
850.  We fall into temptation when we don’t flee from it.
851.  Good intentions are no good until they are put into action.
852.  If Jesus lives within us, sin need not overwhelm us.
853.  Within each one of us there is a God-shaped vacuum.
854.  Those who only sample the Bible never acquire a taste for it.
855.  God does not have to answer our questions, but He always keeps His promises.
856.  It’s better to declare the truth and be rejected than to withhold it just to be accepted.
857.  A good test of character: when we do wrong, whom do we blame?
858.  Time is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other.
859.  God made His home with us so that we might make our home with Him.
860.  All we own is on loan from God.
861.  Words can’t break bones, but they can break hearts.
862.  Christ’s birth brought the infinite God to finite man.
863.  The way to preserve the peace of the Assembly is to promote the unity of the Spirit.
864.  Christians can be constructive if they refuse to be destructive.
865.  Natural life came by God’s breath; eternal life comes by Christ’s death.
866.  Christ’s victory over death means peace for His saints.
867.  If you truly love the Lord you’ll want others to love Him too.
868.  The more we think about God’s Word, the less we’ll think about our worries.
869.  The world is watching us—do they see Jesus?
870.  We can never sacrifice enough for the One who sacrificed His all for us.
871.  God’s Son can brighten our darkest days.
872.  Awful circumstances cannot alter the goodness of God.
873.  Christian fellowship builds us up and binds us together.
874.  When telling others what Jesus can do for them, tell them what He has done for you.
875.  Salvation is not turning over a new leaf, but receiving a new life.
876.  When you trust in God, pain is an opportunity for progress.
877.  Joy in trials comes from knowing that the outcome will be good.
878.  Someone told you about Jesus. Have you told someone lately?
879.  Believing Christ died—that’s history; believing He died for me—that’s salvation!
880.  It’s the life behind the words that makes your testimony effective.
881.  No one is too good or too bad to be saved.
882.  Serving others is a way of thanking God.
883.  Gratitude is a God-honoring attitude.
884.  Cure for covetousness; think of something to give instead of something to get.
885.  One sin rationalized becomes two.
886.  True worship acknowledges the true “worthship” of God.
887.  We may whitewash sin, but only Jesus’ blood can truly wash it white.
888.  Salvation is the miracle of the moment; growth is the labor of a lifetime.
889.  With God’s Word as your map and His Spirit as your compass, you’re sure to stay on course.
890.  Be humble and you will not stumble.
891.  You are a success in God’s kingdom if you are faithful where He placed you.
892.  With God behind you and His arms beneath you, you can do whatever lies ahead of you.
893.  God is a safe dwelling place in life’s storms.
894.  Sincere intercession is the key to God’s intervention.
895.  Our response to suffering can either make or break us.
896.  All of creation bears God’s autograph.
897.  A hypocrite sometimes prays on his knees on Sunday and will prey on his neighbors on Monday.
898.  Gratitude should not be an occasional incident but a continuous attitude.
899.  The secret of peace is to give every anxious care to God.
900.  Conscience is like a sundial: when the truth of God shines on it, it points in the right direction.
901.  Christ’s sacrifice was what God desired and what our sin required.
902.  We can endure this life’s trials because of the next life’s joys.
903.  There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity.
904.  When you grasp, you lose; when you give to God, you gain.
905.  Faith ends where worry begins, and worry ends where faith begins.
906.  True worship of Christ changes admiration into adoration.
907.  Let no thought linger in your mind that you would be ashamed to let out of your mouth.
908.  When we keep our minds on God, God will keep our minds at peace.
909.  Don’t be so busy doing good that you neglect to do what’s right.
910.  For a Christian, work is ministry.
911.  When integrity and people rate higher than pay and profits, everyone profits.
912.  God’s grace accepted is God’s peace experienced.
913.  Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.
914.  A faith worth having is a faith worth sharing.
915.  We can’t run the Christian race until we learn to walk.
916.  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
917.  At the heart of holiness is holiness of the heart.
918.  Our heavenly home is our real estate.
919.  Prayer puts us in touch with God—our greatest caregiver.
920.  There is no reward from God to those that seek it from men.
921.  God and prayer go together; to neglect one is to neglect the other.
922.  God gives blessings to us so we can give blessings to others.
923.  This life is but the childhood of our immortality.
924.  Praise is the song of a soul set free.
925.  Everyone must face God as Savior or as Judge.
926.  We sow the seed, but God brings the harvest.
927.  What Jesus accomplished for us, the Holy Spirit works out in us.
928.  God’s Spirit is your power source—don’t let sin break the connection.
929.  We lose the approval of God when we seek the applause of men.
930.  God gives us all we need so we can give to those in need.
931.  Putting your faith in the living God takes away the fear of living.
932.  Bearing one another’s burden helps make the burden bearable.
933.  Christ’s love creates unity out of diversity.
934.  Give your life to Christ and you’ll keep it forever.
935.  Grace is an unearned blessing given by God to an unworthy recipient.
936.  A true friend is like a support to a leaning wall.
937.  One measure of our love for God is our love for the written Word and our love for the living Word.
938.  We can show mercy to others because God has shown mercy to us.
939.  You won’t stumble in the dark if you walk in the light of God’s Word.
940.  No matter how far you’ve run from God, He’s only a prayer away.
941.  Forgiveness is Christianity in action.
942.  Only when we acknowledge our weakness can we be strong in the Lord.
943.  Joy is the result of a right relationship with God.
944.  The Spirit develops in us a clear image of Christ.
945.  All we’ve seen of God’s provision teaches us to trust Him for what is unseen.
946.  Talking to Christ about others gives us the passion to talk to others about Christ.
947.  The trials that imprison you need not limit God’s work in you.
948.  God loves us too much to let us stay as we are.
949.  Your problems can never exhaust God’s provisions.
950.  The memory of a Godly life speaks more eloquently than words.
951.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the only third party in a marriage who can make it work.
952.  Repentance is sorrow for the deed, not for getting caught.
953.  When we bend our knees to pray, God bends His ear to listen.
954.  Spiritual growth depends on the water of God’s Word and sunshine of His love.
955.  We need not fear life’s dark shadows when we rest under the shadow of God’s wings.
956.  It is better to suffer for the cause of Christ than for the cause of Christ to suffer.
957.  Because Jesus has risen from the dead, He has the last word in life and death.
958.  Loneliness is being unaware of One who is with us everywhere.
959.  Now we see Jesus in the Bible, but then, face to face.
960.  Nothing moves us like a touch from Jesus.
961.  With nothing between us and God, our faces can reflect His glory.
962.  Right and wrong can never be partners.
963.  The road to victory is paved with humble submission to God.
964.  Calvary’s cross is the only bridge to eternal life.
965.  God does not demand success—just obedience.
966.  Christ was born here below that we might be born from above,
967.  No one is more secure than those who are in God’s hands.
968.  Correction may mold us, but encouragement will motivate us.
969.  Wanted: prayer warriors.
970.  One who would be truly respected must first respect others.
971.  True freedom is found in serving Christ.
972.  Jesus gave us all He had: we should give Him all we have.
973.  Knowing God is not only seeing His works but also knowing His way.
974.  To know God’s will is a treasure; to do God’s will is a privilege.
975.  The tiny Baby in a manger is the mighty God of the universe.
976.  In a world that couldn’t care less, we should be a people who couldn’t care more.
977.  You are only cooking up trouble when you stew about tomorrow.
978.  The Bible’s treasures are by those who dig for them.
979.  Where there is hope there is happiness.
980.  Think less of the power of things over you and more of the power of Christ in you.
981.  Christ’s work makes us safe; God’s Word makes us sure.
982.  The power that compels us comes from the Spirit who in dwells in us.
983.  The measure of your usefulness is the measure of your faithfulness.
984.  The Christian’s life is the world’s Bible.
985.  It takes the storm to prove the real shelter.
986.  Only one road leads to heaven—Jesus Christ is the way.
987.  Don’t be a Christian in name only.
988.  The smartest people know that God knows best.
989.  A spiritual checkup is the key to spiritual health.
990.  It’s good to worship God in nature if it leads us to worship the God of nature.
991.  When others let you down, look up.
992.  When the Spirit prompts, take action.
993.  Compassion is needed to heal the hurts and hearts of others.
994.  Our mirrors reflect the outward appearance; God’s mirror reveals the inward condition.
995.  As you mind your earthly duties, keep heaven in mind.
996.  God allows trials in our lives not to impair us but to improve us.
997.  True service is love in work clothes.
998.  To gain self control, give Christ control.
999.  Our love has limits but God’s love is boundless.
1000.  Contentment is realizing that God has already given me all I need.
1001.  Attachment to Christ is the secret of detachment from the world.
1002.  Confession is the soil in which forgiveness flourishes.
1003.  To be a fisher of men in the world, be a hunter for the truth in the Word.
1004.  When God wipes our tears, sorrow will give way to eternal song.
1005.  Daily mercies are daily reminders of God.
1006.  Christian hospitality is the bridge between an open heart and an open home.
1007.  Life’s biggest decision is what you do with Jesus.
1008.  Those who live for God can expect trouble in the world.
1009.  A right attitude with your family begins with a right attitude toward God.
1010.  God accepts anyone who accepts His Son.
1011.  The best way to conquer an enemy is with the weapon of love.
1012.  God’s teaching may not always make sense to us, but it’s always senseless to think we know better.
1013.  Only Jesus can erase mankind’s guilt.
1014.  Because God cares about us, we can leave our cares with Him.
1015.  You are one of a kind—designed to glorify God as only you can.
1016.  No one can steal your identity in Christ.
1017.  The more clearly we see God’s sovereignty, the less perplexed we are by man’s calamities.
1018.  The supreme need in every hour of difficulty is a vision of God.
1019.  You can never express your love too often
1020.  We must choose daily the way of the cross over the way of the crowd.
1021.  Don’t put off until tomorrow the loving words you can say today.
1022.  God blesses you to bless others.
1023.  A believer at war with another Christian cannot be at peace with the Father.
1024.  Guard your thoughts as you would your wallet.
1025.  Submission to God means taking our hands off what belongs to Him.
1026.  God’s purpose for today’s events may not be seen till tomorrow.
1027.  A warning heeded is a disaster avoided.
1028.  Love was displayed when God became a man.
1029.  If you always tell the truth you will never be trapped in a lie.
1030.  The dearest friend on earth is but a mere shadow compared to the Lord Jesus.
1031.  God’s people must point the way if others are to escape God’s judgment.
1032.  Even a little example can have a big influence for Christ.
1033.  For the ignorant, old age is as winter; for the learned, it is a harvest.
1034.  Little children are of great value to God.
1035.  To lead others to Jesus, you must first learn to follow Him.
1036.  There are no dead ends on the road of obedience to God.
1037.  Spiritual growth requires the solid food of God’s Word.
1038.  Some people go through life standing at the complaint counter.
1039.  What we know of God encourages us to trust Him in all we don’t know.
1040.  Salvation is more than breaking bad habits, it’s creating good character.
1041.  Step out of sin’s slavery and into salvation’s freedom—trust Christ.
1042.  The person who refuses to hear criticism has no chance to learn from it.
1043.  God tries our faith so that we may try His faithfulness.
1044.  A word from your heart speaks volumes about your heart.
1045.  To be a disciple is to be a loyal subject of the King of kings.
1046.  God’s unseen work in our hearts produces fruit in our lives.
1047.  God’s armor is tailor made for us, but we must put it on.
1048.  Will your life be a blessing or a blot.
1049.  The wonder of it all—just to think that God loves me.
1050.  Those who trust God can help others to do the same.
1051.  The more you read the Bible, the more you’ll love its Author
1052.  Christ has replaced the dark door of death with the shining gate of life.
1053.  .If you have trouble getting to sleep, try resting in the Lord.
1054.  Christ was delivered for our sins that we might be delivered from our sins.
1055.  Faith is the hand that receives God’s gift.
1056.  Those that are prepared to die are most prepared to live.
1057.  The gospel is sent to break hard hearts and to heal broken ones.
1058.  It is strange thing that, while all would live long, none would be old.
1059.  Jesus died to save us and lives to keep us.
1060.  God formed us; sin deformed us; Christ transforms us.
1061.  A willing spirit changes the drudgery of duty into a labor of love.
1062.  No affliction would trouble us if we knew God’s reason for permitting it.
1063.  When you are in the wrong place God always has the right answer.
1064.  When troubles call on you, call on God.
1065.  Never give your word unless you intend to keep it.
1066.  Begin the day with prayer; end it with praise.
1067.  God’s grace can lift you from the plight of sin into the light of salvation.
1068.  Heaven’s crowns are not for keeping but for casting at our Savior’s feet.
1069.  You can be a glimpse of God’s love to someone.
1070.  If you want God to lead you, be willing to follow.
1071.  When you’re weary in life’s struggles, find your rest in the Lord.
1072.  Those who have suffered are best able to help those who are suffering.
1073.  Christians can cope with their past because they have hope for the future.
1074.  Whatever God teaches us through pain is gain.
1075.  Genuine concern for others is the mark of a great spiritual coach.
1076.  Joy is the fruit of the Spirit that’s always in season.
1077.  Our love for God is seen in our love for others.
1078.  Only the Prince of Peace can bring lasting peace.
1079.  When you do little things for others, you do big things for the Lord Jesus.
1080.  The Lord Jesus takes our sin and gives us His salvation.
1081.  Prayerful thinking leads to purposeful thanking.
1082.  Unity among Christians comes from their union with Christ.
1083.  Only those who take their sin seriously can remember Christ’s cross gratefully.
1084.  An interruption may be a divine appointment.
1085.  God bears the world’s weight on His shoulder, and He holds His children in the palm of His hand.
1086.  Destroy gossip by ignoring it.
1087.  Pray as a child talks to his father.
1088.  God often uses a setback to move us forward.
1089.  Don’t spend time, invest it.
1090.  Venture into the unknown with faith in God.
1091.  The diminishing splendor of the law is no match for the glory of God’s grace.
1092.  The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the growth of a saint is a task of a lifetime.
1093.  You must accept God’s Son today if you want to live in heaven’s sunshine tomorrow.
1094.  The best commentary on the Bible is a person who puts it into practice.
1095.  If you really care, you’ll want to share.
1096.  To give your life to Christ now is to keep it forever.
1097.  Slander seeks to destroy; rebuke seeks to restore.
1098.  God’s love is persistent but never pushy.
1099.  Your name is precious to God.
1100.  Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body.
1101.  Mankind’s limited potential highlights God’s limitless power.
1102.  God’s standard of justice leaves no room for prejudice.
1103.  True compassion will put love into action.
1104.  Justification: Our guilt gone; Christ’s goodness given.
1105.  Difficulties tend to call out great qualities.
1106.  Atheism is a fearful darkness that only the light of salvation can remove.
1107.  One measure of our likeness to Christ is our sensitivity to the sufferings of others.
1108.  Looking for a leader? Follow the Lord.
1109.  Welcome each day as a gift from God.
1110.  God said it. That settles it. I believe it.
1111.  Without Me, ye can do nothing.
1112.  The only way to see clearly is to focus on Christ.
1113.  Bestsellers come and go, but the Word of God abides forever.
1114.  True freedom is found in bondage to Christ.
1115.  God loves us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.
1116.  Witness for Christ in your life as well as your lips.
1117.  Facing death with confidence comes from trusting Christ.
1118.  Trusting and obeying the Lord brings true happiness.
1119.  No legacy is as rich as integrity.
1120.  To be rich in God is better than to be rich in goods.
1121.  Prayer and obedience to God will cultivate the soil of a hard heart.
1122.  God is the perfect Judge, and He can declare the guilty perfect.
1123.  Without a heart for God, we cannot hear His Word.
1124.  Life is a gift from God to be lived for God.
1125.  He pleases God best who trusts Him most.
1126.  Love people and not things, use things and not people.
1127.  The more bitter the desert experience, the sweeter the water of the oasis.
1128.  God’s name: handle with care.
1129.  No deception is more dangerous than self-deception.
1130.  The search for forgiveness ends when we find Christ.
1131.  Happiness is not a destination but a day-by-day journey.
1132.  Let Jesus share with others what you want to keep for yourself.
1133.  The risen Christ will come from heaven to take His own to heaven.
1134.  Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
1135.  Devotion to the Lord Jesus is the key to spiritual passion.
1136.  As the “salt of the earth,” Christians will make others thirsty for the “Water of Life.”
1137.  God is with you in your most barren wilderness.
1138.  God’s grace in infinite love expresses itself through infinite goodness.
1139.  When we follow the Lord Jesus, all of life changes directions.
1140.  The wise will recognize their limitations and God’s unlimited power.
1141.  The Good News of Christ is too good to keep to yourself.
1142.  Our desire to please God is our highest motive for obeying God.
1143.  The first step in repenting from sin is to admit that you are to blame.
1144.  There is no true happiness apart from holiness and no holiness apart from Christ.
1145.  God’s work of creating is done; our work of praising has only begun.
1146.  If you are true to God, you won’t be false to others.
1147.  God may deny our request but will never disappoint our trust.
1148.  To resolve our identity crisis we must be identified with Christ.
1149.  The best way to thank Christ for saving us is to tell others about Him.
1150.  Keep your eyes on the Lord: He never takes His eyes off you.
1151.  We show our love for God when we love His family.
1152.  Prayer does not make God see things as we see them: it helps us to see things as God sees them.
1153.  To conquer sin, nip it in the bud of temptation
1154.  As the years add up, God’s faithfulness multiplies.
1155.  God always stands between the Christian and the enemy.
1156.  All work and no play will take the joy of life away.
1157.  The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
1158.  Only God has the right to define what’s wrong.
1159.  We can face any fear when we know the Lord is near.
1160.  Children of the King have no reason to live like paupers.
1161.  The more we meditate on the Scriptures, the closer we’ll walk with the Savior.
1162.  We are saved not by what we do but by trusting what Christ has done.
1163.  God’s love in our heart gives us a heart for the lost.
1164.  Wise is the person who knows what to say and when to say it.
1165.  God pours His love into our hearts to flow out to others.
1166.  God’s great power deserves our grateful praise.
1167.  If you think it’s possible to love your wife too much, you probably haven’t loved her enough.
1168.  A sermon isn’t complete until it’s put into practice.
1169.  You won’t be a child of despair if you remember your Father’s care.
1170.  Faith in Christ can make extraordinary heroes out of ordinary people.
1171.  When we draw near to God our minds are refreshed and our strength is renewed.
1172.  There will be more reflection of Jesus when there is more reflection on Him.
1173.  Believe in time or be left behind.
1174.  Satan conquers no one without their cooperation.
1175.  My life helps paint my neighbor’s picture of God.
1176.  Large asking results in large receiving.
1177.  Worshiping God should be a full time experience.
1178.  At Calvary’s cross, we stand at the crossroads to heaven or hell.
1179.  To show God’s love, Jesus died for me; to show my love I must live for Him.
1180.  Jesus’ resurrection spelled the death of Death.
1181.  The pain of disappointment is soothed by a heart of gratitude.
1182.  God is not obligated to give us answers, but He promises grace.
1183.  A little wisdom is better than a lot of wealth.
1184.  Follow Christ, not the crowd.
1185.  Worry is the interest you pay on borrowed trouble.
1186.  Living in the past paralyzes the present and bankrupts the future.
1187.  The garden of our heart needs constant weeding and care.
1188.  Much prayer, much power; little prayer, little power; no prayer, no power!
1189.  The faintest knock of faith opens wide the door to forgiveness.
1190.  You cannot start a fire in another’s heart till it is burning in your own.
1191.  Better to hear the hard truth than a soft lie.
1192.  The law of sowing and reaping has never been repealed.
1193.  It is a dangerous presumption to say “Tomorrow,” when God says, “Today!”
1194.  A person may go to heaven in God’s way or go to hell in any way he chooses.
1195.  Patience fits man for God’s approval, whereas pride fits him for destruction.
1196.  God’s decrees are immutable and not subject to human manipulation.
1197.  The inspiration of the almighty gives man understanding.
1198.  Love means to love that which is unlovable; or it is no virtue at all.
1199.  The only one thing I can change is myself, but sometimes that makes all of the difference.
1200.  Patience is the companion of wisdom.
1201.  The first step in a person's salvation is knowledge of their sin.
1202.  In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
1203.  To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else.
1204.  There is no moral authority like that of sacrifice.
1205.  One leak will sink a ship: and one sin will destroy a sinner.
1206.  SIN: Self-Inflicted Nonsense
1207.  No one was ever scolded out of their sins.
1208.  Sin brought death, and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin.
1209.  He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil.
1210.  Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all.
1211.  It's sin and not poverty that makes men miserable.
1212.  Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven.
1213.  The path of sorrow and that path alone, leads to a land where sorrow is unknown.
1214.  Sorrow has produced more melody than mirth.
1215.  The salvation of the world is in man's suffering.
1216.  In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
1217.  Just pray for a tough hide and a tender heart.
1218.  A simple grateful thought turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer.
1219.  Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected
1220.  Wisdom is knowing the right path to take—integrity is taking it.
1221.  Many things will catch your eye, but only a few things will catch your heart—PURSUE THOSE.
1222.  If a man cannot be a Christian in the place he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere.
1223.  How else but through a broken heart may Christ enter in.
1224.  Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.
1225.  Never think that Jesus commanded a trifle, nor dare to trifle with anything He has commanded.
1226.  Christianity is a battle not a dream.
1227.  Faith makes a Christian. Life proves a Christian. Trial confirms a Christian. Death crowns a Christian.
1228.  One ABC of Christianity: ''Always Be Cheerful'' [1 Thessalonians 5:16]
1229.  I am ready to meet God face to face tonight and look into those eyes of infinite holiness, for all my sins are covered by the atoning blood.
1230.  When death overtakes us; all that we have is left to others; all that we are we take with us.