Starting Together

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In one of the great railway stations of Chicago, there were two trains that started out together each day at the very same time. For seven miles they traveled side by side, but then they turned and went in opposite directions. One traveled eastward to New York, and the other turned westward toward the Pacific Ocean. The end of their journey was so different — miles and miles apart.
Here are two boys starting out in the journey of life together. They are twins. For some years they will probably go along through life side by side, attend ing the same school, eating much the same food, and hearing the same things from their parents. Undoubtedly there will come a time when they will turn to different ways in life, but I do hope that in the most important matter of all, they will both go the same way.
The Bible speaks of two ways through this life, into eternity. It speaks of the broad way and the narrow way. There are many, many who are traveling the broad way, and the Bible says that it leads to destruction. It leads to eternity in the lake of fire, and yet so many choose it. Of course there is plenty of company when you travel that way, and you have the laughter and entertainment of those who do not want the Lord Jesus Christ; but all this lasts only a little while. The pleasures of sin are only for a season, and then — O think of it — eternity away from God where there will not be one moment’s pleasure forever. Dear unsaved one, have you counted the cost?
But it is not too late to change roads now. You can take the narrow way today. The Lord Jesus went to the cross of Calvary and died as the Sin-bearer, conquered death, and rose again, in order that He might open up the way to glory for poor lost man. He offers salvation to “whosoever will,” and that means you as well as me. If you will but own your guilt before God and aept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, He will put you on the narrow road at once. The end of that road is eternity with Christ in glory where there are pleasures forevermore.
Which will you choose, dear reader: the pleasures of sin for a season, ending in a lost eternity, or pleasures forevermore with Christ in heaven?
“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.” Hebrews 11:25.
ML 04/29/1956