"Stay With the Boat"

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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THE blue waters of the bay glistened in the sunshine. Laughter and the hum of a motorboat could be heard as six young people took turns water-skiing around the cove. As he steered the boat, Paul looked to the western sky and saw that it promised to be a beautiful sunset. What better way to enjoy it than to water-ski beneath the flaming colors!
Noticing the gas gauge, however, Paul realized there was not enough gas to last for the rest of the evening.
“No problem,” said his cousin Bill, “we’ll just drive her around the point to get more gas.” The two girls who had been skiing agreed, and they climbed into the boat, leaving their skis and life jackets on the beach.
“We won’t need the life jackets,” reasoned Gail; “we’ve got a few floats in the boat.” Off they roared out past the breakers, six young people and not a single life jacket on board.
This carelessness almost cost these young people their lives, but the Bible speaks of another way of being careless that is far worse. “How shall we escape, if we neglect [put off] so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3. And yet many people are passing by the only Safeguard against a lost eternity-that Safeguard is the Lord Jesus Christ.
After refueling the boat, Paul had not gone far when he noticed the tide had changed and the water had suddenly grown quite rough. He decided to go a mile farther out to bypass the waves, but as he turned around again a large wave broke over the boat, filling it in one terrifying second. Quickly, Paul gave orders, knowing that some were good swimmers and some were not.
“Gail, Julie and Mark, you swim in with me-I think we can make it to shore if we take two floats and stay close together. Bill and Larry, maybe you both had better stay by the boat. We’ll get a rescue squad out as fast as we can. Stay with the boat, guys!”
Determined, the four set out for the long swim back to shore.
Two hours later, and every muscle aching, they reached shore to find Paul’s mother had already been anxiously scanning the water for them from the beach. A rescue squad had already been called and was just setting out. By this time the sun had nearly disappeared and it was getting dark. The water was rougher than ever, and the four young people with the rest of Paul’s family stood quietly and anxiously on the point.
One man returned in a large boat. “I couldn’t find any boat,” he reported sadly, “I’m afraid it must have sunk.”
Paul’s heart sank as he remembered his last words to Bill and Larry “Stay with the boat, guys.” The only float left must have been carried out of their reach by the strong tide.
Darkness settled over the point. Car headlights glared out into the dark water, lighting the way back to shore. The family and friends drew close in a circle and prayed earnestly together. Even the sunshiny day seemed now like a cruel memory. As it grew darker, they continued to pray.
Dimly, some splashing was heard, but no... it was only the waves... or was it? Tears welled up into Julie’s eyes as she distinctly heard two faint voices out in the darkness... and they were tears of joy! Bill and Larry had seen the car lights, and had followed them to safety, in spite of being weary and waterlogged from their long swim.
That scene of happiness on the point that night is just a small picture of the scene of happiness in heaven when one lost sinner is found. The Lord Jesus is the Light that shines out to lead the way into everlasting light. Two thousand years ago He bore the punishment for the sins of every person who would accept Him as Saviour. Today He lives in heaven, risen from the dead, and waiting for you to accept Him.
“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest... and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14.
“I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.
“There Is a Way Which Seemeth Right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
MAY 26, 1991