Steadfast, Unmovable, Always Abounding

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 13
“Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the word” (1 Cor. 15:58).
“Always abounding” is Thy call, O Lord,
We cry for power to obey Thy Word;
And as we stand upon redemption ground
We would in Thy most blessed work abound.
For Thou art worthy of our very best,
Fain would we give it, leave to Thee the rest,
We know, O Lord, our labor’s not in vain,
Sure the reward, for Thou wilt come again.
Thou wast a servant, and in Thee we see
The perfect pattern of what we should be.
Doing Thy Father’s will, Thy one intent,
In wondrous works of grace Thy life was spent.
Help us, O Lord, to imitate Thy ways,
To live to serve Thee all our future days.
O that we ever may abounding be!
Our aim Thy glory for eternity.
“Always abounding,” Master teach us how;
Call, send, equip, empower us just now.
Ourselves we unreservedly would yield,
Appoint our task in Thy great harvest field.
Through storm, or sunshine, forth for Thee we go,
With weeping, bearing precious seed to sow,
Our only object to extol Thy fame,
Our one ambition to exalt Thy Name.
“Always abounding” – quicken our zeal for Thee,
To render service true, wholeheartedly;
A burning zeal, yet to Thy will resigned,
Still laboring on, forgetting things behind.
Thy guiding hand alone we ask to see,
As time and strength we gladly yield to Thee,
Abounding in Thy service, at Thy call,
Our Lord, our Master, and our All in all.
Abounding still, valiant for Thee we go,
Withstanding scorn, advancing to the foe.
With girded loins, and armor clear and bright.
With lights aflame in this world’s darkening night,
May we not falter for the battle’s Thine,
And we can conquer in Thy might divine;
And when our warfare’s past – our race is run,
Then shall we hear Thy blessed words – “Well done.”