Exhibited by God in all His purposes and ways. Num. 23:19. Dan. 6:26. James 1:17.
Commanded. Phi. 4:1. 2 The. 2: 15. James 1:6-8.
Godliness necessary to. Job 11:13
The power of God. Psa. 55:22. Psa. 62:2. 1 Peter 1:5. Jude 24.
The presence of God. Psa. 16:8. Trust in God. Psa. 26:1.
The intercession of Christ. Luke 22:31, 32.
A characteristic of saints. Job 17:9. John 8:31.
In cleaving to God. Deut. 10:20. Acts 11:23.
In the work of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:58.
In continuing in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship. Acts 2:42.
In holding fast our profession. Heb. 4:14. Heb. 10:23.
In holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope. Heb. 3:6, 14.
In keeping the faith. Col. 2:5. 1 Peter 5:9.
In standing fast in the faith. 1 Cor. 16:13.
In holding fast what is good. 1 The. 5:21.
In maintaining Christian liberty. Gal. 5:1.
In striving for the faith of the gospel. Phi. 1:27, with Jude 3.
Even under affliction. Psa. 44:17-19. Rom. 8:35-37. 1 The. 3:3.
Saints pray for. Psa. 17:5.
Saints praise God for. Psa. 116:8.
Exhorted to. 2 Tim. 1:13, 14. Titus 1:9.
Should exhort to. Acts 13:43. Acts 14:22.
Should pray for, in their people. 1 Thess. 3:13. 2 Thess. 2:17.
Encouraged by, in their people. 1 The. 3:8.
Rejoiced by, in their people. Col. 2:5.
The wicked devoid of. Psa. 78:8, 37.
Principle of—Illustrated. Matt. 7:24, 25. John 15:4. Col. 2:7.
Want of—Illustrated. Luke 8:6, 13. John 15:6. 2 Peter 2:17. Jude 12.
Exemplified. Caleb, Num. 14:24. Joshua, Josh. 24:15. Josiah, 2 Kin. 22:2. Job, Job 2:3. David, Psa. 18:21, 22. Shadrach, &c. Dan. 3:18. Daniel, Dan. 6:10. Primitive Christians, Acts 2:42. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 15:1. Colossians, Col. 2:5. Those who overcame Satan, Rev. 12:11.