Steer Clear of Tomorrows

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STEER clear of tomorrows as far as you can.” This was a proverb of John Wanamaker, whose name, as you all know stands for success in the business world.
We all recognize the wisdom of not putting off anything of importance. When this is done, the probability is that it will never be done at all.
If this is true in human affairs, it is true and doubly important in the matter of the soul’s salvation. The Scripture, which is the highest authority of all, says,
Now is the day of salvation.”
The Lord Jesus is set forth as a Saviour, and all are invited to come to Him and be saved. His cleansing blood avails for the vilest sinner.
When is it that you are urged to come? Ah, that is the vital point. It is today.
“Steer clear of tomorrows. Have nothing to do with them.” Tomorrow may be one day too late. Your opportunity may have passed. Life is uncertain; many dangers surround you, and the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
The God of infinite love who desires to have all to be saved, pleads that you will make this the day of your salvation. Heaven would rejoice at your coming to Christ. As you value your soul, do not delay.
“Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Heb. 4:7.
If you accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today, He will take charge of your tomorrows—yes, even forever more, your eternity will be spent in His presence where there is fulness of joy.
ML 10/23/1927