It seems like there are steps to climb almost everywhere. We climb them to get into our house, the school, the meeting room, the store, the doctor’s office and most of the other places we go. Some people even climb steps to get into bed! Steps, steps, steps—yes, they seem to be everywhere!
Climbing steps is not always easy. Some people are too young to climb them and some are too old. Some are too weak because of sickness. Climbing steps is WORK! On each step we lift ourselves up a little bit by our own efforts. One by one we go up until at last we get to the top by our own strength. Those who have no strength at all must stay at the bottom, unless they are carried or helped up by someone much stronger than they.
But there are no steps to heaven! None at all!
God knows all about you and me. He knows that we are WITHOUT STRENGTH and totally unable to climb even one step toward Him. For this reason He sent His only begotten Son down into this world to die for us on the cross and to shed His precious blood to save us from our sins. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6. God raised the Lord Jesus from the grave, and now He lives as the Saviour of all those who have put their trust in Him. He has promised to take them to be with Himself in heaven forever. NO STEPS TO CLIMB! There is something better: the mighty Saviour takes His own to heaven by His efforts, and not by theirs!
Why should you try to climb up to heaven by steps of any kind? Do you think that you can get there by your own efforts? It is impossible! You need the strong Saviour. Just accept the Lord Jesus Christ now by believing His Word, the Bible, and then leave everything else to Him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.