After all the Spirit’s leading,
After all God’s tender pleading,
After all of Calvary’s cross
To redeem your soul from loss;
While His grace and love abound,
Can it be that you are found
Still unsaved? Still unsaved?
Will you still refuse His pardon?
Still in sin your conscience harden?
Still reject till death o’ertakes you?
Then when every hope forsakes you,
Dare you face your God at last?
When your every chance is passed?
Still unsaved? Still unsaved?
Sinner, stop and look before you!
See the storm clouds gathering o’er you;
Ere they burst in judgment on you
And in endless woe o’erwhelm you,
To the cross of Jesus fly,
Lest forever you will cry—
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6