Stop, Oh, Stop a Moment!

Ye men and women thronging this busy world’s highway,
Will ye not stop and listen (1) to what God has to say?
Will ye not pause a moment in the hurry and the strain,
In the wild pursuit of pleasure,(2) in the frantic greed of gain,
To hear the twofold message of justice and of love(3)
That comes to rebel sinners from the great God above?
He made you and redeemed you, and ye are not your own;
(4) He claims true homage from you, before his heavenly throne,(5)
Where is the service owing to your Maker and your King?
What duty(6) do ye offer? What praises do ye sing?
(1) Matthew 11:15; (2) Isaiah 55:2; (3) Job 33:24; (4) 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Peter 1:18,19; (5) 1 Corinthians 6:20; Isaiah 55:3; (6) Luke 17:10.
Alas! ye have deserted, gone over to the foe.
The devil gets your service; oh, that it should be so!
That beings formed for glory should follow him to hell,
And grieve(7) the God of heaven, who loves them, oh, so well!
God says “The soul that sinneth shall die”;(8) oh, heed His voice!
For ye are guilty sinners, have not made Him your choice;
Have scoffed at His commandments, and would not hear His word,
Sinful or foolish pleasures have constantly preferred.
Death is the wage of sinning(9), eternal, hopeless death;
Oh, turn ye,(10) turn ye sinners, while God still grants you breath! (11)
Awaken to your danger, your life speeds fast away,
Now(12) is your chance for pardon, now is your time to pray.
(7) Ephesians 4:30; (8) Ezekiel 18:4; (9) Romans 6:23; (10) Proverbs 1:23; Ezek. 8:30-32; (11) Job 12:10; Psalms 95:10; (12) 2 Corinthians 6:2.
So long He has been waiting(13) to hear your word of prayer,
So ready is to meet you, to make you clean and fair.
(14)For God so loved you, sinner, that He gave His Son to die,
That whosoever willeth may reach His home on high.
May have his sins forgiven, and blotted out for aye,
(15)And by His Holy Spirit may learn to praise and pray,
May spend his life rejoicing(16) in Jesus Christ his King,
Till when that life is ended his happy soul takes wing
To where God’s servants serve Him(17) forever day and night,
Where all is holy gladness,(18) all measureless delight.
(13) Isaiah 65:2; Revelation 3:20; (14) John 3:16; (15) Ezekiel 36:25-28; 1 Thessalonians 5:17,18; (16) Philippians 3:1 and 3; 1 Thessalonians 5:16; 1 Peter 1:6 and 8; (17) Revelation 22:3; Revelation 7:15; (18) Psalms 16:11; 1 Cor. 2:9.
E. T. I.