Stop or I'll Shoot!

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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What is grace? Some say it is love put into practice. I’ll tell you a story about Farmer John. It may help you to understand a little better what grace is.
One day Farmer John was driving his pickup truck down the highway from his home when he saw a young hitchhiker and stopped to give him a ride. A few miles farther down the road the boy pulled a gun from his pocket and, pointing it directly at Farmer John’s head, said, “Stop this truck and give me all your money or I’ll shoot you!”
Farmer John didn’t like what he heard, but instead of stepping on the brake to stop the truck, he pressed the accelerator to the floor, and he and his young passenger began speeding down the highway.
“I said, ‘Stop or I’ll shoot!’ ” the boy repeated, but he was beginning to get flustered.
Farmer John continued calmly racing the pickup and said, “When the truck leaves the road I’m going straight to heaven because I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s washed every one of my sins away in His precious blood, but you’ll be headed for a lost eternity. If you’ve never trusted Christ as your Saviour, you’re not ready to die.”
By this time the boy was trembling and the gun was shaking in his hand. The truck was really flying as Farmer John tried to tell the boy how much Christ loved him and longed for him to repent and accept Him as his Saviour. Finally Farmer John said, “Why don’t you open the window and throw that gun away.”
Slowly the boy opened the window and watched as his gun hit the ground. Farmer John slowed the truck down and asked, “What’s the matter, son?”
“I’m in trouble,” the boy blurted out. “I was kicked out of school and now my dad has told me I have to leave home. I have nowhere to go  .  .  .  and I have nothing.”
What do you think Farmer John should have done? Turn the boy over to the police? He was certainly acting as Farmer John’s enemy. Do you realize you are an enemy of God because of your sins, and He has every right to punish you? Farmer John didn’t want to punish that young man; he wanted to help him. And God doesn’t want to punish you either; He loves you and wants to forgive your sins.
Farmer John took that boy home as his own son. He added a room onto his house for the boy and made him a member of his own family. That’s grace! When someone threatens to take your life, and in return, and at much expense to yourself, you kindly take him in and treat him as if he were your own son, that’s certainly grace. But God’s grace is even greater! Why don’t you open the window and throw away your dislike and bitterness towards Him. Tell Him your troubles, confess your sins to Him and receive His cleansing and forgiveness. He wants to make you His own child and share His home with you forever.
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly”
(Romans 5:6).