“As thy days, so shall thy strength be” (Deut. 33:25).
“As thy days, so shall thy strength be,”
Is His promise sure and true;
Strength for every day arising,
Strength He sendeth just for you.
Not tomorrow’s strength is given;
Yesterday’s is past and gone:
But today’s is just the measure
For His child to rest upon.
“I will strengthen thee,” God says it,
Strengthened by His mighty hand,
And in faithfulness, He giveth
Strength for every day He’s planned.
For He knows our frame is weakness,
Knows each step along the way,
And He giveth, as ’tis needed,
Strength to us for every day.
Help us, Lord, to rest upon Thee,
Proving thus Thy strength so free;
When we’re weak, Thou art sufficient
To supply abundantly.
May we trust Thee, then, more fully,
And believe Thy faithful Word,
And in quiet acquiescence,
Prove the promise of the Lord.
L. Beckwith