
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
For a Whole Spine.
In a Philadelphia hospital a wonderful operation was performed upon a young woman's spine. A spinal disorder prevented her holding up her head. The surgeons cut away the faulty bone and tissue of the spine, and gradually substituted fragments of bone cut from her arm and legs. The entire work occupied five weeks. Then the patient was in condition to be removed to her home, and it is announced that a complete cure has been effected.
What a blessing it would be if this triumph of surgery could be duplicated in the realm of the soul! There are so many whose spiritual spines are diseased and weak! There are so many who can hold up their physical heads, but the heads of their spirits are hanging down, flabby, discouraged, cowardly!
Oh, for the transplantation of stoutness from some sturdier soul! Oh, could a few chunks of courage be taken over from some hero! Oh, could some infallible process stiffen these moral backbones, and cause these weaklings to hold up their heads and look the world in the eye!
And I rather think it can be done. I believe this is an operation precisely to the liking of the Good Physician, the great Surgeon of all defects. I believe that Jesus Christ, and He alone, can put stamina into moral backbone and lift up the drooping heads. And the operation need not take five weeks, or five minutes.