1. Canaanite city on the east of the Jordan, allotted to the tribe of Gad. Here Jacob built a house for himself and booths for his cattle. The elders of the city were punished by Gideon for not helping him when he was faint in pursuing the Midianites (Gen. 33:17; Josh. 13:27; Judg. 8:5-16; 1 Kings 7:46; 2 Chron. 4:17; Psa. 60:6; Psa. 108:7). Identified by some with Tell Darala, 32° 12' N, 35° 38' E.
2. First halting place of the Israelites when they left Rameses (Ex. 12:37; Ex. 13:20; Num. 33:5-6). Not identified.