
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Suddenly—in one moment, all is changed. A rich man—one moment clothed in purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day—all that life can give—his. But afterward—what?
Death comes—and what then? In a moment, suddenly, all is changed. Gone are the royal robes and kingly fare. Changed is his portion from heights of luxury to the depths of misery in hell, where worlds could not purchase one drop of cold water.
"The rich man died and was buried." His funeral may have had all the panoply and display as his life; but, "in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments.”
Long before the pompous ceremony was over, the rich man's eyes were opened to his awful doom. His state was fixed now for eternity, and he knew it. He had willingly closed his eyes and his heart against the truth in time; but he can close them thus no more forever.
Another change—and what a change! What a change for poor Lazarus, and how sudden! Near the rich man's gate the poor beggar was laid, full of sores. See the contrast? The one faring sumptuously, and attired in purple and fine linen; but in his pride, he was a man without God—he lived for himself. The other, a poor beggar, loathsome, in poverty, in suffering, and friendless. Friendless? "The dogs came and licked his sores." God took note of him.
A change came; and, suddenly, the beggar died. There is nothing about his funeral. Perhaps he had none. Nor is his burial mentioned. But, glorious portion! he "was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom"—into the place of blessing.
The once rich, but now poor man who had left God out of his life, sees Lazarus. What a sight! Oh! Can it be? Shall the lost ones see the saved? "And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom." Luke 16:23.
Reader, where will be your place—your future—your eternity? Is Christ your happy choice now— your loved portion—your rest—your confidence? He died for sinners such as the rich man and Lazarus—such as you and me—but only they who put their trust in Him are saved.
"Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." Psa. 2:12.