"The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy." Psalm 147:11.
Nothing gratifies love (we may, from this, say) like using it. Love does not act to be admired, but to be used. Nothing answers the heart of Jesus so much as drawing from Him, and trusting Him. The woman of Samaria far more refreshed Him by going away with a heart filled out of His wells, than had she stayed to give Him (though He needed it then) out of her pitcher. For that enabled Him to say, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of." This was Jesus on earth; this is God in heaven. And Israel will give Him this delight by-and-by, as now every poor sinner does who knows that the blood of Christ and the righteousness of God are his precious property, and therefore takes them, and all things with them, as the gift of grace, with confidence and joy of heart.