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God has been pleased to tell us a little of what was before His first act of creation. The eternal pre-creation glory gives us an insight into the communion and happiness found in His eternal presence, as well as into His eternal counsels concerning Christ and the Church.
The tremendous power manifested in the creation of the heavens, the earth, the vegetation, the inhabitants, as well as the accompanying glory, has been exceeded only by the mighty power and glory that raised Christ out from among the dead.
And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him [out] from [among] the dead and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Eph. 1:19,20.
There must be faith or there can be no understanding of God’s creation or His ways. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Rom. 10:17.
In speaking of the creation, the psalmist opens with an outburst of praise and honor to God (Psa. 104:1). Then the different parts of creation are given in order. The creation of the angels preceded the creation of the earth. The earth was a new, special creation after all of the other heavenly bodies were created. In the earth God’s ways are now being manifested — redemption and the preparation of man for an eternal glory in which God Himself dwells. In God’s counsels, His “delights were with the sons of men.”
God’s and man’s arch enemy, Satan, was seen early on the scene of creation to seek to frustrate God’s purposes. Perhaps the “mystery of God” (Rev. 10:7), which will be finished at the time spoken of in Revelation 11:15, began when Satan fell. It seems to be a mystery that God will allow evil to continue until nearly the time that the Lord Jesus takes His rightful place and binds Satan to destroy him later. Perhaps there is a mystery because it is very difficult for man to discern both God’s actions and Satan’s efforts to withstand them; evil will mature and be judged.
Although the earth was originally formed to be inhabited, after the creation something unrecorded happened. The result left the earth without form and empty, perhaps for centuries. We are not told how long. While the sea was covered with a swaddling band of darkness and clouds, God commanded the waters to recede. The mountains were out of the water and the valleys were formed as God gave command for the waters to remain in their boundaries.
The Spirit of God moved over the waters, and God called for light, not light from the sun, for the sun was put in its place on the fourth day. The present earth was formed during six literal days of 24 hours each and needs little explanation; in them God made creatures of every kind. He made man after His image and likeness and gave him dominion over the earth and every living thing.
While we see the glory and power of God in the present creation, we know it has been spoiled by sin and we look for the new creation when present things will have passed away and all things will become new.