Summat, the Alpine Goatherder

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FAR up the Alpine valley, Sum-mat, the Bernese goatherder, tended his master’s flock. One day a visitor passed the boy, and conversing with him, as he rested by the wayside, spoke to him about Jesus and the great salvation He died on the cross to procure for sinners, leaving with him a French New Testament, which he was able to read a little. Carrying it with him daily, Summat read the Sacred Word, and the Spirit of God, apart from any human teacher or guide, led him to see his need of salvation, and to put his trust in the Lord Jesus„
Saved and happy, the boy now read more eagerly than ever the Book through which he learned the way of life, and not only so, but began to tell others what had made glad his own heart. In his village and on the Alpine slope while tending his goats, he told to other goatherders the wondrous story of redeeming love. And when the severe snows of winter came, preventing him from leading his flock to the pasture land, he gathered the herders into his shelter, and read to them the Word of God. Who can estimate the blessing of being early saved to serve the Lord?
Co home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.” Mark 5:19.
“I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.” Prov. 8:17.