Away in foggy London lived a little girl named Nellie. Each summer she visited the seaside where everything was new and different. There were big rocks to climb over; gulls, crabs, and lobsters to wonder at; and big salty waves in which to bathe. her little bare toes.
Sunday school at the beach was different too. No doors or windows were needed in the big open-air Sunday school, and no chairs either, since the boys and girls just sat down on the golden sand. Here they listened to a Christian man who stood with his Bible, in his hand to tell them the story of the death of the blessed Lord Jesus. Nellie was a very little girl, but she felt that the message was for her and she listened to every word.
The man noticed her eager little face, and so he came to speak to her after the meeting.
“What, is your name?” he asked, “Nellie Goodenough,” she answered.
The man smiled at her unusual name, and said, “And are you really good enough for God?”
Nellie was too shy to answer but she felt that afternoon that she really was not good enough after all. The folks at home often said she was a good little girl, but somehow, while the man was reading from his Bible, she saw that it was most important to know what God said about her, God’s Word says: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Nellie Goodenough was not good enough for God.
The man with the Bible saw that our little friend was miserable, and he had good news for her. It was just children. like Nellie and you and me that Jesus came to save. Nellie was lost, but Jesus, found her that day. Nellie had come short of God’s glory, but Jesus died so that she might live in that glory forever.
The little girl found, too, that Jesus was the very same Saviour at home in London as He was in that happy Sunday school by the sea. Best of all, He is the same Saviour who waits in glory. to bring home to Himself all the little children who trust in Him for salvation.
ML 03/19/1950