FARMER JONES invited about thirty of the village children to his house for supper one day. The tables were spread with an abundance of good things which boys and girls like, and being a farmer, Mr. Jones provided plenty of milk and cream along with fruit and home-baked pies and cakes.
Farmer Jones had never been known to ask the children to supper before, and this made many of the boys and girls wonder if it could be true. So they talked it over tether, some of them, and decided to ask Mr. Jones once more. “Come and see,” was the cheery reply.
At the appointed time fifteen of the little ones were there. “Where are all the others?” asked Farmer Jones.
“They wouldn’t come,” said one small girl, “because they didn’t believe it was true.”
“In that case they get no supper,” said the kind host, “if they refuse to believe my word.”
The fifteen small boys and girls feasted on the good things before them, but they were forced to leave as much as they had eaten, which proved that enough had been prided for all.
As soon as the children had left the farm, they ran and told the others the good news of the wonderful time they had had. How very disappointed those children were, who through their unbelief had missed the feast.
I wonder how many boys and girls, and older ones too, who may read this story, are like the children who refused the invitation. God has prepared a feast of love for sinners, in the gift of His beloved Son who died upon the cross. Now the Lord Jesus says to all, “Come unto Me.” “Come; for all things are now ready.” Luke 14:17.
Do you believe it? Then come to Him now and see what a feast of good things He has provided for you, and know the reality of the words we often sing:
Come, for the feast is spread,
Hark to the call!