(Revelation 22:20.)
Christ is coming! Hark! He says so
In His faithful, precious Word;
He is coming! Signs are telling
Far and wide throughout the world.
He is coming! Sinner, hear it:
Will you then be hardened still?
Haste to know Him and embrace Him,
Thus fulfill His loving will.
He is coming! O the glory!
Clouds of angels throng around;
In an instant gathering to Him
All who wait the welcome sound.
He is coming! Precious Saviour,
Naught could such great joy afford;
Borne on angel wings to meet Him—
O what joy to see the Lord.
Thou art coming! Dearest Saviour,
O prepare us each for Thee;
Keep our hearts in loving waiting,
All Thy glories then to see.
Teach us all to serve Thee truly,
Suffer not our hearts to stray;
Help us—loving, working, longing,
So to hasten on that Day.