How quickly the days pass on the shore, wading, building castles and sailing ships in the pools among the rocks. Well do I remember being caught and surrounded by the tide at B. while playing with my sisters and brothers on the rocks there. So busy were we that we did not observe the advancing tide, until it had surrounded the rocks and cut off our retreat to the shore. A loud cry of distress brought our father out to our rescue, and soon we were brought, two on his back and one under each arm, the to shore.
How many both old and young are like what we were that day. They are so occupied with the world’s pleasures and pursuits, that they see not the slow but sure advance of death a cut off their lives and hurry them into eternity, where there is no deliverer.
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall he saved,” John 10:9.
“I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
ML 06/09/1946