
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(key). A city of Egypt bordering on Ethiopia. Situated on the Nile below the first cataract, and noted for its quarries of syenite stone (Ezek. 29:10; 30:6). Syene was an important city during the reigns of the Hyksos, or Shepherd Kings, in Egypt. It is now represented by the Arab village of Aswan.

Concise Bible Dictionary:

Town in the south of Egypt, bordering on Ethiopia (Ezek. 29:10; Ezek. 30:6). The expression, “from the tower of Syene,” is better translated “from Migdol to Syene,” even unto the border of Ethiopia, as it is in the margin. The word is really SEVENEH, as in the RV. It is now called Assuan, about 24° N, 33° E.

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

(rather to be written Cvenah {sev-ay'-naw}; for Cven {sev-ane'}; i.e to Seven); of Egyptian derivation; Seven, a place in Upper Egypt
KJV Usage:

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

her veiling (?)

Potts’ Bible Proper Names:

Remotest dwelling; bush; opening; key:―place in Upper Egypt, Ezek. 29:10. {Extrema habitatio}