Very many letters have come to me sympathizing about the hindrance in our work among the French soldiers: One says: ―
“We will indeed unite in prayer’ concerning the difficulties for sending Testaments to French soldiers.”
Another dear friend writes: ―
“As I read the ‘Message from God’ this morning, my soul was wrung with agony, and I, wept before the Lord. I feel it was of Him that you sent me the leaflet ‘A real need for earnest prayer,’ for it proved to me that my burden in prayer of late for France has inn given to me by His Holy Spirit. I have had to pray for you, and the soldiers and Testaments, and the evangelization of France very much of late.”
Another writes and says: ―
“I was more than sorry to hear about the French troops not being allowed to have the Word of God. How disastrous; but ‘greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world,’ and prayer can still work miracles. I will pray and get others to pray.”
Another writes: ―
“Most truly do we both feel for you―it is grievous, and both the Doctor and I unite in truest’ sympathy and prayerful remembrance. Such intense disappointment after all this long time you have been sending to the poor French soldiers and giving them the Word of Life. But.... it is Satan’s doings, stirring up opposition—he knows he has but a short time ... He tries to wear out the saints of the Most High.”
Our dear friend, Miss Leakey, has had a most encouraging letter from one well-known in our country. She has sent the following to me:—
“Patient Faith”
Two words of great importance, true words, for it is patient Faith that wins—just like Abraham’s Faith of old, he believed what God promised and patiently waited the issue. I received a letter on April 15th with these telling words “patient faith” written to me concerning dear Dr. Wreford’s work for the French soldiers which Satan is evidently trying to stop. A lawyer friend, a Christian, wrote to the thus: “Nothing but Prayer can meet this. I do indeed hope that God will counteract this scheme of the enemy of souls for depriving the men of the life-giving Word. Dr. Wreford must not be worried! Patient Faith will be rewarded in the end, in God’s own time,” and then he adds, “What a terrible crisis the War has arrived at. We feel that God is chastening us, not more than we have deserved, and we are joining with other Christians all the country over, in confession of our National Sins and prayer that God in His mercy may deriver us. Yet, we know that His great plans are working out and the mysteries will be solved, and probably soon.” God grant it, I repeat, and He will if only the Nation would turn to God and repent.
Emily P. Leakey.
So dear friends there is an insistent call for prayer now. We must pray and work. I am glad to have been able to bring our needs before you— you will carry them with us to the throne of God, and by faith we shall be able to say this month and every month: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19.
Yours for Christ’s sake
Heyman Wreford.