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Sympathy means that I feel what you feel. A real characteristic of Christ's sympathy is that He always presents Himself in the character that suits the person with whom lie sympathizes. Trial often does not sorters people: sympathy does. In Heb. 4 we learn the character of Christ's support to us here on the earth. It is no question of sin. Priesthood is for me, a poor, feeble person down here. We are going on to the rest, and how are we to get on by the way? Chapter four tells us how Christ supplies us as we pass on through this world. The first thing is the Word of God: the second, the sympathy of Christ. We could not be sustained here, where Christ is not, except by the grace of Christ. We have His sympathy.
Weakness is not sinfulness. If a thing is wrong Christ does not sympathize with us in it, nevertheless, His love never ceases. He says: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Heb. 13:5. But He does not show sympathy to a person who is perverse. The Word of God must deal with that person.
I often ask myself. "Does the Lord sympathize with me in this?" The first ministry of His grace brings the soul to understand. "I have considered for you." Is the Lord thinking about me? Yes, what I want is the Lord's grace. I know Him, belong to Him and I feed on the manna. Christ on earth.
If we do not have the sense that the Lord sympathizes with us, that He is looking after our affairs, we cannot turn around and think of His affairs. If we can, "the God of peace shall be with you.”
“Whatsoever things are true... think on these things." If I am not going in company with the Lord, I am worried about my own affairs, but if I have the sympathy of Christ. I shall not be worried; I know that He is thinking about my affairs and I leave them all to Him. The Lord grant that each of us may know better His sympathy as we walk through this evil world. Young Christian