Tahapanes; Tahpanhes; Tehaphnehes
“Tahapanes” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(Jer. 2:16). [TAHPANHES.]
“Tahpanhes” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
An ancient city of Egypt on the Tanitic mouth of the Nile
Identical with the Daphne of the Greeks. A favorite resort of exiled Jews (Jer. 43:7-9; 44:1; 46:14). Jeremiah was taken thither, after the murder of Gedaliah, and the Pharaoh erected a brick palace there. The children of Noph and Tahpanhes are made to type the entire population of Egypt (Jer. 2:16).
“Tehaphnehes” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(Ezek. 30:18). (TAHPANHES.]
“Tahapanes, Tahpanhes, Tehaphnehes” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
City in Lower Egypt, where Pharaoh had a house, and whither in disobedience the people of Judah fled after the murder of Gedaliah, taking Jeremiah and Baruch with them. Jeremiah prophesied that the king of Babylon should set his throne in that city and smite the land of Egypt (Jer. 2:16; Jer. 43:7-9; Jer. 44:1; Jer. 46:14; Ezek. 30:18).
It has been identified with the ancient Daphnæ, identified with ruins at Tell Defenneh, about 30° 52' N, 32° 7' E. During some explorations there the name of a mound was asked, and it was said to be Kasr Bint el Yehudi, “the palace of the Jew’s daughter.” This agrees with Jeremiah 43:6, which says that the king’s daughters were carried to Tahpanhes by Johanan. On digging among the ruins many relics of Grecian pottery were found, there evidently having been a Greek colony on the spot at some period, and this would account for the Greek name Daphnæ.
“Tahpanhes” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
“Tehaphnehes” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or Tchaphnchec (Ezek. 30:18) {tekh- af-nekh-ace'}; or Tachpnec (Jeremiah 2:16) {takh-pen-ace'}; of Egyptian derivation; Tachpanches, Techaphneches or Tachpenes, a place in Egypt
KJV Usage:
Tahapanes, Tahpanhes, Tehaphnehes
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
thou wilt fill hands with pity
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
The gift of the serpent; temptation:―a place in Egypt [TAHPANHES]. Ezek. 30:18. {Donum serpentis}