One cold winter morning two young people set out in their car to drive down the river on the ice. In some places it was quite safe to do this as the ice was good. and thick, but in other places the ice was very thin and it was dangerous even to walk on it. One of these places was called “The Narrows.” There were many who drove their cars across the coves where they knew it was safe, but no one dared to drive through the Narrows. Even strangers who came along could see the danger and generally made inquiries before attempting to cross there. They were always warned not to venture it.
When our two young friends came to this point that morning they stopped and made inquiries too. They were warned that it was not safe and that they should not attempt to go on. But they would not listen. It looked good enough to them, especially after such a cold night as the last one had been, and so they decided to take a chance and try it.
How this reminds us of many people who hear about the awful judgment which is at the end of a Christless life, but who do not take any heed. They just continue to live in their sins. They think they are all right because they cannot see the danger. And so our two young friends got back into their car and started out. They had only crossed a fraction of the ice when there was a crack! crack! One of their front wheels broke through—but in a minute they were out again. Surely this should have been a warning to them! No, they went on and continued over the thin ice. Then suddenly without any further warning there was a great crack, and the whole car with its two passengers plunged into the icy waters. They were trapped in their car and drowned before help could reach them.
How sad it was! Yet how foolish they were not to listen to those who knew of the danger and warned them. They thought they were safe when they were not.
Dear reader, how about you? God, who knows all, has warned you of the danger, and there is no chance about it.
If you continue to live in your sins you will be lost forever. But God has done much more for you than those who warned these two young people of their danger. He has provided a way of escape through the work of His beloved Son at Calvary. The precious blood of Christ can cleanse you from all your sins and shelter you from coming judgment. Not only will you be sheltered from judgment, but God has a wonderful home in heaven for all His redeemed children. Will you be there, dear reader? We beseech you to listen to God’s warning.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15.
“See that ye refuse riot Him that speaketh: for if they escaped not who refused Him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from Him that speaketh from heaven.” Hebrews 12:25.
ML 02/12/1950