Take Me As I Am”

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
"Oh, take me as I am;
Oh, take me as I am,”
My only plea Christ died for me;
Oh, take me as I am.”
The sweet voice sang carelessly on as the singer busied herself about her household duties. In an ad, joining room lay her sick husband, a scoffer and unbeliever in the love of God.
During his long continued sickness time hung heavily upon his hands. Anything that broke the monotony was welcome. Often his wife’s tuneful voice Was' a source of, entertainment end cheer to him. He listened idly as she sang her favorite songs. As yet she knew not Christ as her own Savior, but she: was interested in the affairs of the church she attended, and frequently sang the hymns. One hymn particularly she liked to sing.
"Helpless I am, and full of guilt,
And yet for me Thy blood was spilled;
And Thou can!st make me what Thou wilt,—
Oh, take me as I am.”
Over and over the words were sung. At first it was only the melody that attracted the attention of the sick man; but he began to think of the message expressed in the poetry. Though he judged himself clever in his power of argument, these tender words condemned him as they sank deep into his conscience. He began to feel the need of something which he had never known.
The Holy Spirit was working. Little by little his self-confidence was shaken and he acknowledged to himself that he was a sinner guilty before God. As his wife sang thoughtlessly,
"My only plea, Christ died for me;
Oh, take me as I am,”
he broke down and cried out: "Will He really take me as I am? Will He receive one who has so often spoken against Him and lived all his life in hatred and opposition to Him?”
Turning to the Lord he said: "Take me as I am!" In simple trust he cast himself upon Him who said: "Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out.”
And so it was that a blasphemous infidel was at once received and blessed. Joy and peace in believing filled his soul. He had passed from death to life—from Satan's power unto God. Thus the grace of God was shown and another trophy of God's long-suffering was won.
“This Man receiveth sinners," was said of the Savior in derision. But the message is blessedly true.
Have you come to Him?