Take Your Bearings

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
The evangelist had been speaking to a group of seamen, urging upon them the need of immediate acceptance of the Savior. As he concluded his final prayer, he saw standing near him a sailor whose weathered face bespoke many years of ocean faring, but the shining countenance also told of the in-living Christ. Shaking his hand, the preacher said, "Where did you find the Lord?”
Instantly came the answer: "Latitude 25; longitude 54.”
What a puzzler! "Latitude 25; longitude 54. What do you mean?”
The old salt replied: "I was sitting on deck, and from a bundle of papers before me I pulled one out. It had in it one of Spurgeon's sermons. I began to read it. As I read it I saw the truth that I was lost and needed a Savior. I received the Lord Jesus as my Savior. I jumped up off the coil of ropes, SAVED. I thought if I were on shore I would know where I was saved, and why should I not know on the sea? And so I took my latitude and longitude. That's where I found the Lord—latitude 25; longitude 54.”
The sailor knew his need, and he wanted a change. In his anxiety he had picked up one of Spurgeon's sermons, so clear as to man's utter ruin by the fall and God's glorious remedy through the shed blood of His Son. The Gospel, which declares that "Christ died for our sins,... was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures" (1 Cor. 15:1-5), was immediately believed and he was "saved.”
The Savior had died, the sailor had believed, the Scriptures gave the assurance of a present and perpetual salvation. Sailor-like, he took his bearings and found the spot of his salvation: latitude 25; longitude 54.
Friend, ask yourself: Am I saved? When was I saved? Where was I saved? How did I get saved? If sure you are saved, praise God! If uncertain, take your bearings. Look to Christ right now. "Believe and be saved.”
"He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24.