Taken at His Word

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
AN Athenian who was once traveling in Judea, said to a Jewish boy, “Here, my boy, is some money; bring us some figs and grapes.” The boy went and purchased the fruit; and returning, gave half of it to the stranger, and kept the other half for himself, greatly to the surprise of the Athenian.
“Is it usual in this country,” said he, “for a messenger to keep half of what he fetches?”
“No sir,” answered the boy; “but always say what we mean, and do as we are told.”
“But,” rejoined the stranger, “I did not tell you to keep half of the fruit.”
“O! what else could you mean, sir?” replied the boy. “You said, ‘Bring us some figs and grapes;’ so of course you meant us both. Does not the word ‘us’ include the hearer as well as the speaker?”
This boy may have been quite right to take the man at his word, but it is evident the stranger did not mean what he said.
We can always be sure when God speaks, He means what He says, and it is for us to take Him at His word. He says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isa. 1:18.
The first thing I should like to draw attention to is the word “now.” The Lord wants no time wasted. He does not want us to put off till another time, as another time, or opportunity, may never come, so He wants us to attend to what He has to say right now.
The next thing is, “Let us reason together.” Just think of this, God is asking us to reason along with Him. Are you willing to take Him at His word, like the Jewish boy did the Athenian? He took the word us to mean both of them, so it is here, God wants us to join in with Him on a wonderful subject—of how sins as scarlet can be removed, leaving the stained place as white as snow. How can this be done? God, it is, who alone is able to tell us such a thing. We cannot give an idea that would be suitable to God, so we must listen to what He has to say. He tells us, “IT IS THE BLOOD THAT MAKETH AN ATONEMENT FOR THE SOUL.” Lev. 17:11
That word atonement may be a big word for some of you, but it simply means, to cover, so it is blood that can remove the stain of sin, or cover it all up. Another scripture says, “The blood of Jesus Christ, His (God’s) Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Are you willing to put yourself among the us in that verse? If so, you can join in that song, “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood....to Him be glory and dominion Forever and ever.” Rev. 1:5, 6.