"Tank You Jesus"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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SANDRA was a little girl, just four years old. Her mother had died and she was being taken care of by a very kind aunt. Just recently she had become very fond of that little hymn:
“Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,
Look upon a little child —”
The last two lines especially appealed to the little girl:
“In the kingdom of Thy grace,
Give a little child a place.”
Little Sandra was playing in her auntie’s dining room, and not aware that anyone else was in the room. But her cousin heard her sweet little voice saying very gently, but very earnestly: “Tank You, Jesus. Tank You, Jus. TANK You, Jesus.”
Curious to know what it was about, her cousin went to her and asked, “What are you thanking Jesus for, darling?”
The dear little girl looked up quickly and said, so brightly, “O, I was only tanking Him for divving a little child a pace. He did, didn’t He?”
“Yes, indeed He did.” Jesus died that He might give poor sinners who trust Him a place in heaven with and like Himself.
Even a little child can understand a gift. Everything a little one receives is given as a gift. So we have to become as little children and receive all.
We ought to thank the Lord Jesus for His precious gift of salvation. We ought to thank God the Father too for the gift of His own dear Son, our Saviour.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.