Teddy's Conversion

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Let us draw our chairs together, and I will tell you about Teddy’s conversion.
You must know, like many other boys, he was willful and wayward, but he had Christian parents. who brought him up in the fear of God. At this time he had left school and gone out into the world, and you know, dear boys and girls, that the world is very attractive. Things look very nice to the eye, but God’s Word says, it “lieth in the wicked one,” and therefore it is a sinful world.
But we must get on with our story. Our young friend became very unhappy, and his sins pressed very heavily upon him. He thought of judgment, of having to do with God, and this was the cause of all his uneasiness. But God had His eye upon him. For six long, months he went about trying to find satisfaction in the world and in him but it was not to be found in this world.
No, dear boys and girls, satisfation and joy, salvation and rest, are only found alone in One whose name is Jesus this our young friend had to prove. Going to do better in the future was vain; the sins of youth, big sins small ones, would come up before like a giant mountain.
“God requireth that which is past.” Eccl. 3:15.
Just about this time a book was placed upon the table by his father, and b struck by the title of the book, which said,
“Though Your Sins be as Scarlet he took it up and read it.
The whole story of the book I need not relate, as it would take up too much time but it was about a young man who going one Sunday evening to enjoy himself at the house of some friends who like himself, were bent upon the pleasures of the world. But as this you man was hurrying along, a tract was into his hand by a passer-by, bearing the above title, which was the means his salvation, and God used it for his friend’s salvation also.
Now Teddy was very fond of reading books that commenced with a story, a if it chanced to touch upon the subject, of salvation, he would put it down a read no more; but somehow the story was continued to the end, but interwoven between the lines were those words which occurred several times over, “Though your sins be as scarlet.”
Night after night he went to bed, he could not sleep. Over and over agt the words kept ringing in his ears, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”
But at last the night of decision came. The clock had struck eleven; Satan whispered, Time enough yet; wait till you a little older. But God said, NOW. I came downstairs and was met by my parents, who had been upon their knees, praying to God.
Our young friend burst into tears, saying,
“I’m a great sinner.” To which his father made reply,
“He is a great Saviour.”
He was told that Jesus had borne all his sins, and satisfied God on account of them.
Our young friend found Jesus as his Saviour, and from that time he has been rejoicing in the Lord.
But we had better get our Bibles and open them at Isaiah 1:18, and read the whole of the verse,
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
May those who read these lines follow our young friend’s example and, “COME NOW.”
ML 03/14/1943