From the parallel passage in Mark 6:30, &c, we find that “the apostles gathered together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught.” And here we read that the disciples of John the Baptist, after burying his body, “went and told Jesus.” The remedy for both elation and sorrow is His own immediate presence. He said, (Mark 6) “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.” While there, the faith of the disciples was tested. The multitude was large, and the provision but five loaves and two fishes. The selfish hearts of the disciples would reason thus, “There is but enough for us—this is what we brought for ourselves—send them away.” But no, the Lord says, “They need not depart, give ye them to eat.” True, the supply was small; but they had God and the loaves; and the answer to their selfish reasoning was twelve baskets of fragments.
“The world knoweth us not.” The world does know Christians far too well, because they resemble it so much in their plans, their pursuits, and speculations.