“Shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life.” — Phil. 2:15, 16.
It was only a tract in the cottage, left with a friendly smile;
But the woman's face grew brighter, as she bent to her daily toil;
And the leaflet given so kindly was placed with care away,
To read in the quiet evening at the close of the busy day.
Only a kind word spoken of the home and the rest above,
Of the wonderful patience and mercy, and the gift of an infinite love;
And the man, so hard and callous, heard of this grace so free,
And felt with a new emotion, then surely He cares for me.
Only a short little visit to the weary one, sick and lone,
To smooth the ruffled pillow, and to speak in a gentle tone;
And the sufferer grew more quiet at the sound of a soothing prayer
For the light of heaven came gleaming through the shadows settling there.
Only the work of an hour, one short little hour a week;
Not very long far labor, not many words to speak;
But the angel of mercy is passing, with the caller, from door to door;
And the Fruits of the heavenly mission remain for evermore.
Only one life for service, one talent to lay at His feet;
And efforts and prayers are needed, and workers in every street:
For eyes are grown dim and heavy, which a smile of love would light,
And some are far from the Master, and perishing in the night.
It was only a tract in the cottage, but its message was clear and plain;
And the voice of Jesus was calling, and He did not call in vain;
And one more sheaf was gathered, another soul was won —
It was but a little service, but the Lord pronounced “Well done.”
E M. D. B.