Telling Others About Jesus

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A lady in New England who had been gloriously saved under the preaching of George White-field was peculiarly burdened in prayer for others.
But she could persuade no one to pray with her but her little daughter of about ten years of age. After a time God opened the heart of the child and she too, received the joy of salvation. In a transport of holy delight she then exclaimed: "O mother, if only all the world knew this! I wish I could tell everybody. Do let me run to some neighbors and tell them, that they may be happy and love my Savior."
"Ah, my child," said the mother, "that would be useless. If you were to tell your experience, there are none within miles who would but laugh at you and say it was all a delusion."
"O mother," replied the little girl, "I think they would believe me. I must go over to the shoemaker and tell him."
She began by telling him he must die, and that he was a sinner. Then she told him that her blessed Savior had heard her mother's prayers for her and forgiven all her sins. Now she was so happy she did not know how to tell it.
The shoemaker was struck with surprise. His tears flowed like rain. He threw aside his work and knelt down and prayed. The Lord opened his heart to receive the blessed news of a full and free salvation through Christ Jesus, and he was saved that day.
Soon the whole neighborhood was awakened. Within a few months more than fifty persons were brought to the knowledge of sins forgiven, and rejoiced in the power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am not told to labor
To put away my sin;
So foolish, weak, and helpless,
I never could begin.
But blessed truth—I know it!
Though ruined by the fall,
Christ for my soul has suffered,
Yes, Christ has done it all!
And when in heavenly glory
My ransomed soul shall be
From sin and all pollution
Forever, ever free,
I'll cast my crown before Him,
And loud His grace extol
“Thou hast Thyself redeemed me;
Yes, Thou hast done it all!"
"O that the saints of God would just sit still and let the Lord love them!" Captain J. Dunlop.