“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."—Rom. 10:9.
IN speaking to a dear man, who had lately confessed Christ, he said, “It was that word Motu that laid hold of me” (referring to the above verse), and led him to see that Christ was his own Saviour. He had been leading a good life, as people say, and was more or less religious, but with no decision for Christ, no certainty of salvation up to this time. Perhaps the reader of this paper is in such case; brought up, it may be, in a Christian family, under religious influences, yet still as unsaved and unforgiven as if you had no religion at all. Whether anxious about your soul's salvation, or utterly careless, let me tell you affectionately, that there is no salvation, pardon, nor peace for you till you, as an individual sinner, believe for yourself on the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour.
It is common enough to speak of ourselves as all sinners, or as all Christians, in a general way, but that will not do for God or for eternity When Nathan the prophet spake in the parable to David (2 Sam. 12), and roused him to the sinfulness of the rich man, who took the poor man's only lamb, instead of one out of his own flock, then he said to him, "THOU art the man," thus bringing his sin right home to himself. So it must be now. The publican in the temple (Luke 18:13) cried out, “God be merciful to ME a (or the) sinner." The awakened jailer at Philippi (Acts 16:30) says to Paul and Silas, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
Reader, have you been brought to this, to own yourself a lost sinner, unfit for the presence of God, and deserving His righteous judgment? “Thou art the man," the sinner, for " ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). It must be real conscience and heart work with each one of us. Isaiah says, “Woe is ME, for I am undone” (Isa. 6:5). When he sees the glory of the Lord, Paul says, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1:5). Peter, all conscious of whose presence he was in, says, “Depart from me, for I am A SINFUL MAN, O Lord" (Luke 5:8). So must it be with you, dear friend, and the sooner you own it the better. "I have sinned," was the prodigal's cry in Luke 15, and it may well be yours too. Then will you see the beauty and the force of that word THOU.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and THOU shalt be saved," was Paul's blessed answer to the trembling jailer. So in Rom. 10, from which we quote, the same apostle by the Holy Ghost says, “The word is nigh THEE, even in THY mouth, and in THY HEART: that is, the word of faith which we preach; that if THOU shalt confess with THY mouth the Lord Jesus " (or Jesus as Lord) — Pause here a moment! Art thou prepared for this, my friend? Wilt than now, as a lost, ruined sinner, confess Him as thy Saviour and Lord? Will thine heart bow to Him in adoring gratitude, thy lips confessing His worthy name?—" and shalt believe in THINE heart that God hath raised him from the dead.” Surely you cannot doubt this blessed fact, but rather with triumph say, "He is risen" (Mark 16:6). “God hath raised him from the dead" (Acts 11:32). If so, then there is the divinely written Word for you this moment to rest upon, "THOU shalt be saved.”
Let your heart and voice be heard, saying “Blessed, thrice blessed Saviour, Thou didst say on the cross, ' It is finished the work of salvation is done. Death could not hold Thee; the grave could not retain Thee. Thou art risen! ‘Thou wart raised from the dead by the glory of the Father.' Thou hast triumphed gloriously I gladly confess Thee; I rejoice in Thy salvation as my present and eternal portion. That word THOU assures me of it.”
O friend, be in earnest. Let it be a personal matter with thee now. Believe, confess, rejoice for God says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU shalt be saved." There is no uncertainty about it.
Perhaps you say, If I could only feel it; but there is not a word about feelings here. It is, “THOU SHALT BE SAVED." A fact! not a feeling; but as you believe the fart, then you will feel happy as a consequence. Well, you say, I hope to be saved. Does the verse read, Thou shalt hope to be saved? How many read it that way; but that is not believing God, but your own heart. Why not take God's word as it stands, and rejoice in present salvation. "Thou, shalt be saved." Yes, if thou, the needy one, the sinner, wilt but confess and believe, for “with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." The mouth confesses what the heart believes. We read in John 11:24, that many believed, but Jesus did not commit Himself unto them, for He knew what was in man. So, friend, a mere head belief, or intellectual assent, will not do. The more in earnest you are, the more will you seize hold of these words, "THOU SHALT BE SAVED," as applying to you now.
Many go on hoping, doubting, fearing, wishing, but not having and rejoicing. The secret of this often is that they have never confessed Christ. If this be your case, dear reader, nail your colors to the masthead! Confess the Lord Jesus now; confess Him to God; confess Him as your own living Saviour and Lord. Rejoice, too, in the divine assurance of your own salvation. That word THOU! May it be God's word to you. As you read this little paper—
Thou shalt be saved.”
Thou the guilty, trembling sinner,
Christ the Saviour of the lost;
Now as Saviour Lord confess Him,
Make in Him e'en all your boast.
T. E. P.