“I remember,” said a writer, “standing by the surging billows one weary day and watching for hours a father struggling beyond in the breakers for the life of his son. They came slowly toward the shore on a piece of wreck, and as they came the waves turned over the piece of float and they were lost to view. Presently we saw the father come to the surface and clamber alone to the wreck, and then he plunged off into the waves, and we thought he was gone; but soon he was back again, bringing his boy. Again they struck another wave and over they went, and again the father rescued his son. By and by, as they swung nearer land, they caught on a snag just out beyond where we could reach them; and for a little time the waves went over them till we saw the boy in his father’s arms hanging down helpless. We knew that they must be saved soon or be lost. We shall never forget the gaze of that father as we drew him from the devouring waves, still clinging to his son. He said, ‘That’s my boy! that’s my boy!’” And shall fathers be less anxious about the eternal welfare of their beloved children? Can you let them go on in carelessness and indifference, unsaved? May God awake you to the reality of eternal things, and enable you to present the preciousness, the blessedness of a Saviour’s love in such a way as to captivate their hearts.